Chapter Five: Detention

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Elestra Ellington was dreading this moment, however, she knew it would be over in an hour or so. Waiting outside the Deffense Against the Dark Arts room for Moody, she was picking at her nails, anxious. She glanced at the watch on her wrist, 8:25. Draco should be here any moment. 

There he was.

Walking so calmly and standing next to her, his back against the wall, "This is all your fault, you know," he looked annoyed, as if he had better things to do. Elestra was alerted. she inched slightly further away from him.

"Don't act like you didn't do anything..." she mumbled back, glancing over at him. 

"Oh yeah? Don't you remember who pulled their wand first?" he slowly turned, staring at her for a moment. Then he got closer. She instantly stepped back; maybe it was a reflex, she wasn't sure. He stood tall above her, "Let's make sure it doesn't happen again," he whispered as he snatched her wand from her hand. Her eyes widened as she realised. She reached up and tried to grab at his hands. Amused, he laughed and extended his arm, teasing her.

"Give it back," she yelled, standing on her tip-toes, not wanting in on this dumb game. Unknowingly,  she rested her palm on his chest and jumped up to get a hold of her wand. Malfoy was staring down at her and laughing, keeping the wand out of his reach. He liked annoying her. It was fun.  

Elestra gazed into Draco's eyes which gave off a playful warmth. When he noticed, he stared for a while, loosing his balance and stumbling back. Just in time, Mad-eye Moody had made his way towards the Deffense Against the Dark Arts room.

"Sorry of being a bit late, I er, had some things to do..." supporting himself by a cane, he opened the door and let them in, instructing them to write lines. 

After around 15 minutes of them sitting around, Moody got up. "I need to get from the forest, come with me," 

Draco and Elestra looked at each other suspiciously. It was odd enough Professor Moody needed to get something- but this late at night? Elestra got up anyway, it was at least better than sitting at one place and continuously writing lines. Draco hesitated, his last encounters in the forbidden forest hadn't been the nicest. However, he didn't want to seem weak or scared so he put on a fake, careless façade and followed behind her. 

Professor Moody handed Elestra lantern and took a lantern for himself. 

As they walked through the dark forest, Mad-eye Moody seemed to be looking for something around the trees. "What are you looking for?" Draco finally asked out of curiosity. Moody mumbled something inaudible under his breathe and continued walking, "What?" Draco squinted, confused. 

"Don't ask questions, ferret boy!" Moody yelled at him, his eyes then fixing on something behind Elestra. As he limped towards her, she moved and scurried behind Malfoy, trying to avoid eye contact with him. She was also curious to know what he was searching for. Moody examined a tree and then fiddled with some moss. He looked and the two of them and cleared his throat. 

"You two stay here, I will be back in a bit." And before they knew, Mad-eye Moody hobbled away out of sight. 

"He creeps me out..." Elestra mustered, leaning back on a large oak tree and crossing her arms because of the cold after handing the lantern to Draco.

"He's crazy! I mean- who knows what sort of weird beasts live here! I heard there are werewolves!" Malfoy burst out, standing next to her and continued ranting, "It's completely ridiculous! He could take the risk if he wanted, but why bring us into this?!"

"Yeah, I would rather be in my bed with a warm cup of hot cocoa and be free from the fear of being killed. Why do I have to be stuck with YOU anyway," Elestra spoke, saltily turning her head to another direction. 

"Its not like I wanted to either! The punishment is bad enough with some disrespectful, overconfident little Gryffindor who doesn't know what's best for her," Malfoy hurled back.

"That's a lot coming from you, Malfoy," Elestra scoffed. 

"Hang on..." Draco paused, scanning at the tree Elestra was leaning on, he noticed some sort of white string on it. 

"What's this?" She rubbed the sticky, pale white string between her fingers. 

Draco gulped, as he processed what it could be. He held the lantern close to it and slowly questioned, "Spiders?" Elestra tilted her head, "Maybe..." She glanced behind Draco's shoulder to see a three pairs of big red eyes peering at her from a distance. She cautiously tugged at his sleeve to get his attention and pointed in the direction of the eyes. He gawked. They noticed a few more red eyes peering at them hungrily. Draco tightened his grip on the lantern as he steadily stepped back. 

Elestra felt his cold hands brushing against hers and then grasping them tightly. Many, stiff hairy legs crawled out of the shadows. Spiders the size of large chairs were several feet away from them, awaiting their doom. Elestra let out a small yelp in disgust and clenched Draco's hand tighter. The two of them watched as the spiders drew near....   

He pivoted his leg and yanked Elestra's arm, dashing towards the opposite side. The two of them sped across the forest, followed by hundreds of arthropods hurling toward them. Occasionally looking back, they bolted out of fear, not knowing where they were going, just praying they could get out alive. 

"WHERE DO WE GO?!" Elestra screamed out of panic,

"I DON'T KNOW! I SEE FIRE UPFRONT! MAYBE SOMEONE CAN HELP!" Malfoy abruptly replied, still holding Elestra who was now grabbing on to his arm, trying to keep up.

They kept running. The air which seemed so eerie and calm was no more. Panic had polluted the sky. Draco and Elestra's faces were red and tired. They knew they just had to keep going just a bit further....


A chunky, thick root of an Oak tree which was planted in the ground had just tripped Draco, bringing Elestra down with him. 


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