Chapter Three: Potions Class and the Courtyard

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It had been around a week and schools had just arrived for the Tri-wizard tournaments. Names of the champions had been called out just a few minutes ago. As the students made their way out of the courtyard, they were astonished. Harry Potter's name had just been pulled out of the goblet of fire. Many of them were quite upset and complaining about how unfair it was that a fourth year was allowed to compete in the tournament and they weren't. The Hufflepuffs seemed fairly satisfied with Cedric Diggory being one of the champions. After all, the Hufflepuffs had a wrongful stereotype of them being a little bit soft.

"I can't believe Harry Potter somehow passed Dumbledore's system- I mean- you should've seen what happened to the Weasley twins," Elestra began as her and Nicole were making their way through the courtyard to their next class.

"Harry Potter is so weird! Everything interesting and fun only ever happens to him...what if he's Dumbledore's secret love child?!" Nicole gasped, as if she'd just had an epiphany.

"Oh my god! They both have garbage eye-sight!" Elestra knew Nicole was joking, but the more they thought about it, the more it made sense...that's when someone pushed past them.

"Potter this, Potter that" It was Malfoy. He was holding his books and was walking backwards, facing Elestra and Nicole, being followed by his two friends, Crabbe and Goyle. They were more like bodyguards than friends; their beefy bodies always on either side of Draco, sheltering him.

"Fan girls like you never stop talking about him, I bet you have pictures of him in your dormitory" Draco smirked as Crabbe and Goyle snickered behind him.

"You're just jealous you couldn't have a chance to achieve 'eternal glory'" Elestra exclaimed, making sure to exaggerate the 'glory' part.

Draco narrowed his eyebrows.

"You would probably piss your pants before the first task," Nicole insulted him.

"Shut up, you filthy mudblood. Didn't mummy teach you to respect the superior?" Malfoy stated quickly, grinning proudly. as if he had rehearsed this multiple times.

"You did not just-" Elestra felt her blood rushing. Her eyes flashed with rage. How could someone be SO annoying?

They heard a chiming through the halls, signalling the start of their next class, Potions.

"Oh I just did..." Draco sneered at Elestra, dashing down to Potions before she could say anything.


Potions class was uninteresting, as usual. Professor Snape's monotone voice and biased behaviour made all Gryffindors despise his class.

They were told to make The Draught of Peace, a particularly difficult potion used to calm one's anxiety or nerves. Elestra was struggling hard. She had tried everything she could, but she just wouldn't get it right. Snape watched over Elestra's cauldron for a while and examined it carefully.

"Students," he spoke to the class, making everyone look up, "This is Miss Elington's potion, it is a deep shade of green." At first she thought he was going to compliment her potion, but, obviously, she thought wrong.

"This is completely wrong, the amount of moonstone is way to much, and the way she stirred it is unacceptable. Maybe if she was paying attention, she would've have done a better job" he finished, glaring at her while the a group of Slytherins laughed in the back. Nicole seemed to be smiling too.

"Mr. Malfoy's potion on the other hand, is perfect, he has added a good amount of ingredients," Snape slowly walked to the front of the class, looking around at the students. Draco grinned as he enjoyed the admiration. He looked over at Elestra, smiling at her, maliciously.

"Malfoy, go help Ellington with her potion," Professor Snape said briskly, heading to judge someone else's potion.

Elestra felt shocked. Draco Malfoy had been irritating her since the time she got on that station and now this?

Making his way from the front of the class, he disinterestedly stood next to her, looking down at the deep green cauldron. "This potion is very messed up, it will take a long time to fix," he looked over at her, clearly enjoying the superiority that he had been given. He added a bit of hellebrew and some powdered unicorn hair.

Elestra had never seen him concentrate so hard before. He lowered down so the cauldron would be at his eye level and and stired it smoothly. She looked over at the cauldron, which was now turning a light shade of blue and then she kneeled to eye-level, next to Draco. Her chin rested against her hand as she watched him work the potion. Elestra thought it was funny. He seemed like a completely different person when he was focused. A strand of his pale hair fell over his face, which he didn't seem to notice, or maybe he just didn't care.

As the potion turned turquoise blue, he smiled proudly at what he had done. He turned to Elestra, who had been staring at him the entire time.

"What?" he broke the silence, back to his old self.

"Nothing." she blinked a few times and grabbed her book-bag, the bell was ringing to signal the end of all periods.

Professor Snape dismissed the class and everyone went back into their dormitories to change and get ready for dinner.


bro potions? more like chemistry ahah.

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