Chapter Seventeen: Aguamenti, the water spell

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Elestra at first decided to head to the Quidditch match, but then realised that it wasn't as important anymore. She went in the direction she saw Draco leave. As much as she hated him, she couldn't just let him sit there heartbroken. 

Elestra found him sitting on a bench near a classroom all by himself. He was looking down at the ground as if deep in thought. He glanced at Elestra as he saw her and then looked back at the ground. She sat on the edge of the bench and stayed silent for a while, thinking of what she wanted to say. 

Draco didn't understand why she bothered following him. He believed it was to ridicule him but was surprised when she didn't say anything. He felt betrayed. If Heather didn't like him, then why didn't she tell him earlier? It's not like he was madly in love with her. If she left him any moment, he wouldn't really feel that bad. It made sense to him that she didn't like him, a lot of people didn't like him. But why would she do something so shitty? It hurt a little bit, but he thought he would get over it in a day or too. Heather was kind of annoying, anyway-

"Uh, Hi, I know I have no place in this but-" Draco looked up as Elestra struggled with words. "-I'm sorry about what's...people...happen- I mean-" Draco's eyes lit up. She was trying to...console him? A smile escaped the corner of his mouth. 

Elestra let out a breath and tried to speak again, "Mistakes happen in relationships...and, I'm sure you'll find someone better...maybe she just wasn't the right-" she paused and looked at Draco's face, which was trying to hold in a laugh, "Hey! What's so funny?"

"You aren't very good at this stuff, Ellington, you should just stick to yelling at me," Draco said between laughs. 

Elestra blushed at thought of how cute he looked when he laughed. She smiled sheepishly and mumbled, "At least you feel better," 

"I always feel better around you," Draco said abruptly which made Elestra blush even more. When Draco had realised what he said he felt his cheeks burning.

"Wha- Argh, you idiot! Stop screwing around!" Elestra blurted as she tried to believe he was just joking around. Draco rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed and hid his red face. 

"Here..." Elestra reached into her pocket and pulled out a bar of chocolate, passing it to him and sliding closer. 

He willingly took the chocolate and muttered, "Thanks,"


"Are you serious?! That's SO cool! I'm definitely in!" Elestra exclaimed, as Harry told her about the secret magic classes he'd be teaching. 

"I was just wondering, though, I saw you and Malfoy together earlier, are you two...?" Harry said shyly, not wanting to seem rude. 

"WHAT? NO! NEVER! I- I hate him! He is such a rat, I don't know why you'd think that!" Elestra defensively cried.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," 

"Its fine. I'll see you after class this afternoon, yeah?" 

Harry nodded. 


The Hogwarts castle was massive, with little passages and small places behind walls, there were a lot of peaceful places students could escape to be alone. Elestra chose the small garden behind the courtyard. It was surrounded by stone walls and had a wooden gate engulfed in vines so it was hard to notice. Inside the garden, was a small stone fountain with moss caked at the bottom. The fountain was usually filled with rain water in which the birds bathed in. Small flowers and bushes were present amongst the 10 by 10 feet space. Noise was usually blocked out by the stone walls, so it was the perfect place to practise a spell Elestra had been trying to master for a few days now. 

"Aguamenti" she exclaimed and a small stream of water spurted out of her wand. The spell was supposed to shoot a large jet of water out of her wand but it did so otherwise. A laugh bellowed from behind her. 

"Again, seriously? It's almost like you're following me, now!" she turned, and as expected it was Draco Malfoy, leaning on the gate. 

"Don't get ahead of yourself, in case you forgot, you aren't allowed to be here, it's an out of bounds area,"

"Who are you to tell me anyway,"

"I'm a prefect, sweetie," Draco joked.

Elestra gaged sarcastically, "Well in case YOU forgot, so am I...wait, how did you find this place anyway?"

"My mother told me bout this place. Her and her sister used to come here everyday," Draco took a few steps forward, "Go on, continue that spell, I want to see,"

Elestra inhaled a deep breathe and tried once again, "Aguamenti!" An even smaller stream of water spurted out of her wand. Making her feel exasperated and pathetic. 

"You're too stiff, relax a bit," he moved closer towards her.

"Aguamenti" she swirled her wand. Another small stream spurted, a bit bigger than the last.

"Breathe Elestra, you are far too hasty, you need to calm down" Draco was so close. His chin rested on her shoulder as he relaxed her elbow a bit. This was the first time he said her name. Why was it that when he said it, her name had a special ring to it? His palm reached up her arm and around her hand, she loosened her wand slowly.

"Now, try again, calm and gentle," She swallowed. How was she supposed to stay calm when her heart was beating a hundred times per second. The butterflies in her stomach danced around as if trying to tease her. 

"A-Aguamenti" A jet of water splashed out. Elestra squealed in delight. "Finally! I've been working on this for so long!" 

"Your welcome, Ellington," Draco said, taking a playful bow. 

"Thank you so much!" Elestra chirped then deciding to try again, "Aguamenti!" A strong but messy jet of water sprayed. However, out of excitement, Elestra moved her wand a bit too much, showering everything around her with water, including Malfoy. 

He glared at her angrily for a moment- and then smiled, bursting into laughter.


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