Chapter Forty-Six: Mission Accomplished.

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After a few more days of this secret agent stuff, it was time for the trash trio to say good bye to the Malfoy manor. (yeah I named them the trash trio because they are clearly not golden) Nicole was disappointed that she didn't get to meet Pansy. Turns out, Pansy was doing a completely different task for the dark lord. However she was lucky, because the day before she was leaving, the Parkinson family came to visit the Malfoys for tea.

Since Draco and Elestra had made up. The trash trio was hanging out in Draco's room talking about nonsense like always. Nicole was sitting one leg up on Draco's desk chair and Isaac was sitting cross-legged on the floor. Draco was sitting on the carpet too, leaning against the bed as Elestra rest her head on his lap.

They heard footsteps and Elestra jumped up and sat further away from him. It was his mother. She swung open the door and looked down at them disapprovingly. How dare his perfect pure blooded son hang out with these so called 'half bloods'

She told Draco to go greet the Parkinsons. While they were having their tea time, the trash trio decided it was time to go back to Hogwarts with all their information. The death eaters were going to attack the castle at a specific time and they knew. Elestra, Nicole and Isaac were going to escape the Malfoy manor without anyone knowing.

They thought it would be difficult but actually, security wasn't that bad at all. 


okay so this book has been going on for WAY too long. I don't even know why I wrote this to begin with. Thank you people for sticking around for so long? Anyway skip to the middle of the battle field, for the battle of Hogwarts and everyone's fighting and stuff.


Elestra deflected another spell and bolted across to save someone who's leg was crushed under some rubble. She picked up some rocks and tossed them to the side. It was a boy who looked to be about a year or two younger than her. He was crying in pain. She helped him up and lead him to the area where injured people were protected. She went on the hunt for more people in trouble. That's when she bumped into someone familiar.

Lucius Malfoy.

She gasped and backed away, stumbling into a fight stance.

"Hello again, Lucius," she pointed her wand at him, after her snarky remark.

The man scoffed. "Mudblood," he mumbled, throwing a wordless spell at her.

She dodged, throwing one back at him, which he deflected.

There was a moment of silence between them.

Elestra eased her stance and smirked. "Mr. Malfoy, I must say, your taste in beds for the manor is quiet intriguing. Your son's is as soft as dough...contrary to your wife's." Her confident statement disgusted and infuriated the man.

"How dare you?!" He yelled, hurling a cluster of spells in rage.

She deflected, only just, chuckling at her own humour. "Okay, okay I was only joking..."

Lucius calmed down a bit. He realised he was getting mad over nothing but a pathetic dumb child. He was stronger than this. He could've just killed her now but he thought he had at least some decency in him to only injure her enough to not fight.

"...about the wife part" Elestra burst into small laughter, proud of herself for making such a funny joke. (literally nobody laughed girl)

Lucius growled angrily. He couldn't stand the thought of his own blood with her. 

The fight continued for a few more seconds. Lucius wanting to end her more on every one of them. Then, a spell from the behind him, threw his wand to the ground.

The stick crashed on the ground, spinning toward Elestra's feet. Lucius jolted back to see who did that. 

It was Draco. His own son. His own blood had just attacked him from the back. He couldn't believe it. It must've been a mistake. 

"DRACO." He yelled. "You useless prick do something before that mudblood kills me."

Draco's eye twitched. "And why should I...father?" just calling him that turned his gut. That man has never been nice to him, let alone a good role model.

Draco had always wanted to be like him. But his father never payed him any respect or attention. The letters he'd send when Draco got the task ruined him. It tore his heart apart. Elestra and her friends had helped him realise what a healthy relationship should be. And he knew even if it wasn't right in a way, he had to end his with his father.

"What?! Don't tell me you're on her side?!" Lucius's hair which at the start seemed well kept now was messed up and frizzy, making him look insane. The shock these two kids had given him was too much for his age.

"Draco, what's wrong with you? Did she manipulate you to be like this? COME BACK TO YOUR SENSES." 

"You're the one who manipulated me. All my life...I've wanted nothing but to be enough for you." He said, his voice croaking.

His father disregarded him, "Don't pull that emotional garbage on me"

"Are you serious? Even now, you refuse to acknowledge how I feel." Draco huffed, staring his father dead in the eyes, as if all sympathy for him was gone. "I really hate you, you know." He said before attacking him with a last stunning spell.

As Lucius fell to the ground, Draco approached him, Elestra too. Mr Malfoy was passed out on the ground. His son felt a lump his throat and tears approaching his eyes. Elestra stepped closer and comfortingly wrapped her arms around him, letting him weep quietly on her shoulder.


After a long time of fighting and what not, the war had finished. Voldemort had been defeated and the Hogwarts courtyard once busy with rushing young students was nothing but residue. 

The astronomy tower however, was okay. Elestra, who only had a few bruises here and there, was looking out through the balcony, at the place she had studied for almost 7 years. She reminisced on the memories she had with her friends from all houses and of course, the boy who made it both hell and heaven. The boy who she couldn't understand how she felt about. The boy who made fun of her, supported her and laughed with her through it. 

She smiled to herself, resting her head on the shoulder of the boy who she once called 'Enemy.' 

----- THE END

bye lmao

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