911 call

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*Hears vase break* "Dad!?"  *Run's downstairs* "Dad!?" "It's okay It's just a head inger-!" *Faint's* *Thud* William!!! "What did you do!?" I-I he asked f- for a d- divorce a-and w-wouldn't let me e-explain s- so I through... through... the vase at him... "You monster I'm calling the cops!!! No!!! *Through's cutting board*" 911 what's you're emergency? "Yes hello, I'd like to report fiscal violence and injury!" Okay, what is your location we'll be there at fast as we can? "Were at ********* Avinue!" *Passes out* Sir? Sir!? (8:35 pm

 Okay, we are going to take this into the back of the ambulance are you coming?! "YES!" Yeah. "Lizzy Chris, we are taking a trip to the hospital!!! Okay!!! (5:30 am) Ugg my head where the hell am I!? Michael! "Michael!?" *Wakes up* William you're alright I was so worried when I got a call from the police department!!!? "Henry, what are you doing here?" "Where are we?" 

  William was at the hospital Clara threw a vase at you and when I got here Michael was as well injured in the head! "Michael!!!" *Tries to run* *Picks up William* "Henry let go of me now!!!" *Blushes* No I'm sorry William but it's 5:30 in the morning you need to sleep like it or not! You will see Michael later! "NO, I NEED TO SEE MY CHILD LET GO OF ME HENRY!!!" William, no now we can do this the easy way or the hard way but you are going back to sleep. "LET GO OF ME HENRY!!!" The hard way it is. *Pushes William against the bed* Get's on top of William* *Blushes* "Henry stop!" *Removes and set's their glasses on the table* *Covers William's mouth* "Henr-!!" Shhhhhhh, go to sleep William. "He-!" *Rap's leg's around William's thy's and leg's* *Pools William's hair tye out* "Henry stop let g-!!" Shhhhh William go to sleep or I'll cover your mouth again. *wrap's arm's around William's arm's and waist* *Blushes red* *Closes eye's* *Drift's off to sleep* 

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