Merman AU part 5

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I was confused. What the fuck is virginity? "Uh yes of course but, what is virg- " I was cut off by the man pressing his lips to mine. My eyes widened. Why is he doing that!? "MMF!" I tried to speak but, I couldn't. I felt something wet and warm graze my lip. What does he- *!* Teeth clamped down on my bottom lip. It hurt but also brought me pleasure. I was about to ask what he was doing but, he jabbed his tongue into my mouth. 

  I let out a low moan. WHY DID I MOAN!? Closing my eyes shut, I wrapped my hands around the man's invisible gills. I applied pressure, trying to get him to stop. He stopped and growled. "HENRY W-WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" I shouted, confused and rather heated. 

"You taste so pure." "How can you have a daughter?" Henry asked. "Eggs," I replied. "Eggs-?" "Like sperm donation?" "You know what... boys get him." I feared that sentence. I screamed and flailed as a group of bad men grabbed me. "I want my new toy in fine clothes and do something with his hair." What? "Iye Iye captain." "T-TOY!?" I was then knocked out, the last words I heard were.  "DON'T HURT HIM YOU, IMBECILES!" 

I woke up, on a small wooden crate. "H-Hello?" I called. I saw a slight hand motion out the corner of my eye. I snapped my head towards it and there Henry was, sitting on another crate. I was about to strangle him when I realized my hands were chained. "YOU ASSHOLE!" I hollered. "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER!?" 

"Eazyyy Will." I was fuming. "YOU-" I was cut off with a breath hitch as he touched something. "A-Ah!~" "W-WHA- Agh!~" I was chained to the wall and couldn't do anything... "Now listen." "Your daughter is unconscious in our kitchen. "You can have her back once we have intercourse and get married." 

Henry X WilliamWhere stories live. Discover now