A trip to the market

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Me and the beautiful, amazing, lovely @Cannibal_Friend

Please go check her and her book out it is amazing and she is a very talented amazing Writer.

Dear, should we get pancake batter too?" The blonde asked William. No response. "Darling?" "Babe?" Will?" Still no answer. "WILLIAM!" Henry shouted, slightly irritated. "Huh!?" William exclaimed. "You spaced out," Henry said, frowning. "Oh, heh sorry hun I was just thinking..." William muttered. "W-what did you ask again?" The brunette asked, looking at the other. 

"I was asking if we should get pancake batter too since Charlie and Elizabeth love your delicious pancakes so much." "I love them too yum!" William smiled sheepishly as Henry mimicked licking his lips after eating William's pancakes. "Thank you, darling." He said. "Your welcome my beautiful bunny bun~" William blushed. "Why must you always come up with a new nickname? I already have like fifteen dear-" William said, with a sigh. "No nickname is good enough to describe my love for you." "You beautiful muse." William smiled bigger and his eyes lit up like fireworks. "Your too good for me Henry." He said, looking at his feet. 

 "No, you're too good for mee~" William giggled. "Aww shucks, stapp you're making me blushhh!" "Yes since you loveeee my little pancakes so much I'll make them this weekend before, the kids go to the water park with their aunt and uncle," Henry smirked. "I do love your little pancakes!~" Henry slapped William's ass and William let out a loud yipe. "OI!" Henry chuckled. "Sorry, I simply couldn't help myself, dear." William couldn't hide his smile as his cheeks became a vibrant red. 

 "What do you think the chocolate chips are half off price today? should I grab them for the pancakes?" William asked, turning back to Henry. "I say it's a deal grab 'em!" Henry exclaimed, with a grin. "Okay." William picked up the red and blue chocolate chip bag that was half off-price and toused it into the basket. 

"Strawberries, bananas, chocolate chips, pancake mix, Eminem's..." William mumbled. "Henry dear?" "Hmm..." The blonde turned his head to face William. "Do you know what I'm missing?" the brunette questioned. Henry cocked an eye brawl. 

The blonde took a look at the basket of items. He stared at it for a good minute, scanning for the missing item. "We're missing peanuts," Henry said full of hope. "NO FUCK YOUR PEANUTS!" William yelled, getting angry. I sighed. "We're missing Oreos," Henry said, frowning. William smiled. "Thank you, darling." Henry's lip curled into a smile as he gazed at William's cherry eyes filled with spirit and his smile shining through the quiet, gloomy store. 

"It's your turn to push the cart love~" William smirked as Henry's eyes dropped. *Sigh* "You're lucky I love you..." Henry growled, pushing the cart as William walked to the next aisle. "Thank youuu~" William sang, as he walked past the dairy section. "I do believe we're indeed out of juice so let's get some orange juice and milk. William said. Poor Henry got a tummy ache every single time he drank the orange, cold, pulpy liquid. He couldn't even protest as the happy William toused both the beverages into the cart Henry was pushing. He grunted. 

"Will, can we get a SPECIAL drink tonight?" Henry asked, hopefully. "Sure." The brunette grabbed a bottle of white grape wine and carefully set it in the cart. Henry grined. "How about we get two bottles this time?" William shrugged and sat another bottle inside the cart. 

"I don't wanna get too drunk tonight because my legs and back still hurt, sorry darling," William said, his eyebrows furrowed. "It's okay dear I respect your boundaries." William gave a soft smile. 

 "I think that's enough for now. I don't wanna drive a hole through my wallet," William said. "Uhhh- nuh-uh I'm paying dear." "No your n-!" William was cut off by Henry's soft lips pressing to his. He grabbed a lock of Henry's hair and deepened the kiss. The lovely little kiss lasted about two minutes. William pulled away and wiped his lips. "Fine.." He muttered, blushing. 

 Henry smirked in victory and took out his credit card. Henry typed in his pen number and swiped the card. After Henry paid William began bagging up the groceries. "Thank you," Henry said. "Whatever..." William muttered. He was still butthurt over the fact Henry didn't let him pay for the stuff. 

"Have a good day mam!" The man at the cashier shouted. Henry giggled and William blushed. "I'm a man..." He muttered. "I think you would be one hell of a sexy woman, dear~" Henry purred. "Sh-shut it Emily..." William growled, blushing brighter. "I'll load the car," William said. "William, I thought I was the one who loaded your back door.~" Henry teased. William speed walked to the driver's seat. "WAIT BABY I'M SORRY!" Henry shouted, looking at the cart of heavy bags, waiting to be loaded up into the car. "No this is what you get, Henry, you have to put all the stuff away" "fine.." 

After Henry finished loading the car he shut it and walked around to the passenger seat. "I'm sorry dear..." Henry wined, stroking William's free hand. "It's fine." The brunette grumbled. Henry smiled and pecked his cheek. "Let's go home now" "Okay" 

William turned on the car and drove back home. When they got home Elizabeth, Chris, and even Charlie tackled William with hugs leaving the poor other father to put away the groceries and start dinner since it was pretty late. Michael was at his friend Fredrick's house for two more days so he wasn't there but, if he was he would also take William with hugs. 

After an hour and a half, William walked into the kitchen to see Henry grabbing out the box of instant noodles. He scanned the counters to see that the stuff for meatballs and spaghetti. He blushed remembering the LAST time he ate this particular dish... 

"Do you need any help in here?" William asked. "Yes please." Henry turned around to face William as he said this. "Okay" William sat on the counter as he pulled out the salt and pepper. After the two men had made dinner William called out to the children. "KIDS DINNERRRE!" 

    The kids came running from upstairs to downstairs in a matter of minutes. "What did you make?" Charlie asked. "S-spaghetti." William stuttered, as his blush returned to his cheeks. Henry smirked. "So that's why you were blushing~" Henry teased. William kicked his leg from under the table. "OUCH OKAY SORRY-!" Henry yelled in pain. " What dad sorry about?" asked Charlie, as Elizabeth and Chris continued scarfing down their food. "It's nothing Charlie" 

 "Okay..." Charlie muttered, taking a fork of spaghetti. After dinner the kids went to bed. Once sure that all the kids were in dream land William got up and grabbed the two bottles of wine from the secret cabinet. 

He walked back over to Henry who was on the couch and set the bottles on the table. He sat next to Henry. "What should I put on dear?" Henry asked. "I don't care about some shitty chick flick?" Henry shrugged and found 'Once upon a shitty date' and muted it. The brunette filled both of the wine glasses, raising his and taking a sip. "Mmm~" He hummed while taking another drink. Henry as well picked up his and took an okay size drink. 

After they were a little tipsy William kissed Henry. Henry kissed back, hugging William's hips and pulling him onto his lap. Henry and William both smile. Then the sleepy brunette whispered "I love you." He nuzzled his head into Henry's neck. "I love you too dear..." Henry whispered back, closing the cap on the wine. Henry wrapped his arms around William and closed his eyes. He felt happy, safe, loved and warm. He smiled once more before slowly drifting to sleep. "G-Good *Yawn* night love..." William whispered as he too began to drift off into a wonderful dream of him and Henry hula dancing in grass shirts under lit candles and bright colorful flowers speeding across the valleys. Just the two of them...

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