⁓When we met⁓

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It was a hot day. William wiped the swat off of his forehead as he got up to go to the library. "Excuse me mam sorry to bother but do you know were Robotics and engines 101 is?" William asked the librarian with orange hair. "Try eyel three step by step books for beginners there should be 101,102-103, 104, and 105." The lady had said. William walked around the library looking for eyle three but then he found it. "Finally!" The brunette boy with pony tail exclaimed.

   There was already a sandy hired boy in the same gray and light blue button up uniform William was in.  "HI!" William yelled a bit to loud at the boy beside him. "SHHH!" The boy told William in a very rude tone. "Sorry..." William whispered. "It's fine." "Sorry It's a library the place I can hide from bullies." The slightly shorter boy stated. "Oh, bullies who?" William asked. "Mark, Sidney, Lora,  Fon, and Nathen." Henry said bluntly. "But those are my friends..?" The slightly taller brunette boy started. "THERE YOUR FRIENDS!?" The older but shorter boy screamed at William. "Shhhh." William said. 

   "Yeah they are infract Lora is my girlfriend although I'm starting to think she's cheating on me with Mark..."  A tear fell down the younger boy's cheek. For some reason it made the older feel something he had never felt feeling before but now he felt sad and that he needed to hug the brunette and kiss the brunette... Of course the sandy hired boy ignored those thought's and said "I'm Henry." "O-Oh, I'm William." William said wiping his tear stained face with his sleeve. 

   Henry huged William and said "I'm gonna call you Will and do you wanna keep hanging out here?" "SURE!" William whisper shouted in cheer and happiness. "I'm gonna call you Hen is that okay?" William asked. "Sure." Henry replied smiling slightly. "William blushed at the sandy hired boys smile." Henry though to himself what is this felling is this love? No it can't be. But I do know one thing. I CAN'T LET THIS BOY LEAVE ME. 💕💕💕💕

 Soooo Coment of you want more kid and teenage Helliam! 362 words UwU *Dancing* DANCE WITH ME! *Dancing* *DAB* *Falls face first on to floor* "OW!" "A little help please?" TTwTT

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