Vampire AU part three

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"Come here darling~" I was pulled towards the sandy-haired man once more and then sat on his lap. I blushed. "I'm not supposed to-" He began moving my hair to the side. "Be-" *GASP* He bit down, hard. "S-Sir!?~"  I let out a low moan as the man bit deeper, drawing unwanted blood from my neck. He bent my neck down and bit into another spot, drawing more blood. "A-Ah!~" "S-STOP!~" "Hush darling calm down~" I couldn't help but, blush. "I-I'm a ma- AH!~" "S-SIR I H-HAVE A SENSITIVE N-NEC-!~" "S-STOP!~" "That's-" *Bites* "Good darling~" 

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