Happy? Part 4

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The warm sun picked through a small hole in the wall to shine on a slightly taller male covered in bruises and scars. His face... HIS FACE HOLLY SHI-!?!! "WILLIAM GOD WHAT HAPPENED!? He didn't respond he just counties trying to run away. I started pulling him through the pizariea. His skin was so cold and he was shaking. I held his hand tightly as he tuged as hard as he could.

The rush of adrinalen taking over I unlocked my car and shoved William into the passenger seat I locked the windows. The hole ride was silent. When we got to my house I grabbed Williams hand once again the adrinalen wearing out as I pulled him into the house locking the door.

He stood still expressionless. I set my keys on the counter. As I turned on the heater I mumbled "Why..." William blinked. "Go sit on the sofa I'll be right there." I filled the tea kettle with water and set it on the stove turning on the top left burner.

I shakily got out the Neosporin and bandages along with the box of bandages. William was staring blankly at his brushed and cut hands. I set the saplise on the brown and blue marble coffee table. As I sat down next to the brunette he scouted farther from me still dead eyed and shaking.

I grabbed his hand and pored Neosporin on his cuts. Verry low grunts and hisses escaped his mouth. William yanked his hand back and sat up. William started speed walking to the door I was not having it. I plunged forward grabbed his hand I pushed him on to the couch and I sat on his lap. He was taken it back by this and a light layer of blush lay across our faces.

"Why..." ... "Why,... I killed her Emily I killed her and my reason is invalid." William started with a straight face. I gripped his leg. He blushed a little harder at this but still kept his dead stare. "Not, Charlie not that you killed..." ... "Why, did you leave?"

William: Emily griped my leg tighter and grabbed the other he traced along my riped pance on my thys with his figure. I shivered blushing mad. "Emil-" I was cut off by him giving an angry face and pushing my legs against one another. I winced. "Erm..." I mutted trying not to give any expretion or noise that would give the wrong vibe.

"It's H E N R Y." He said with a aggressive and suductive voice. "H-Henry I'm dangerous and a murderer w-we shouldn't be doing this stop." His hand creped up my thy to my groin. "Do you know how much I've missed you?" His eyes were so lust full and hungry it scared me how this little man can over power me.... I Jently moved his hand and pushed him off me. "EMILY no." "I am a very bad person I'm crazy and I killed Cha-!" Emily put his fingure over my blood cracked lips and traced them with his fingure. He pushed me roughly onto the couch he looked down at me while holding my hands above my head. He licked my jaw. He licked down my jaw line. "Mm...mmmmm~" I let out a qiet moan.

"Shhhhhh~" A chill went up my spine. "William William William...~" A tear formed in my list filled eye I missed this sweet caring man so much I was about to give in but then *EEEEEEE* Oh, saved by the tea kettle. Henry grunted angrily and wen't up to get our tea. Now's my chance. I grabbed the key from the counter and walked over to the door.

I was so needy and touch starved but, I can't do this....

Henry: The f*ckin tea kettle went off right as I had him. "Whyyyyyy!!!!" I angrily wined. I grabbed the tea kettle, turned off the burner, anddd then I herd the door moving and creeking this made me mad. I set the kettle down and walked back into the living room wear I saw William rusling with the keys. Oh that's it. I pushed Williams face against the door so I was pressing his back. He looked petrified. "Now, now your staying here love~." William gasped Wich sent a jolt of warmth through my HOLE body. I nibbled his ear. "Eh em ah mmf..."

"As much as I hate it I can't just do you the second you come back but, don't get it twisted-" ... "YOUR STILL MY PROPERTEY DARLING~" I turned him so our noses touched. I smacked our lips together his eyes wident and he started shaking trying to pull me off frantically. I bit his lip and he shut his mouth as tight as he could. "Your f*cking kidding me." I grunted. I Intertwined our legs. He opend his mouth to protessed and I shoved my tougue in his mouth. A little druel dribbled down his Chen. William sobbed from pleasure and sadness. "Henry... Ple-ase!"

I tuged on his hair pushing myself closer. "A-ahhhh~" Okay this will end in rape if I don't stop. William panted and sat on the couch. I layed my head on his lap. "I- why do you still love me...." There were tears running down his beautiful face. "I can't explain it all I can say is that I'm finally happy." "I-I love you..." I opened my mouth and he winced. "I-I'll leave I'm sorry..." "No I love you too." William gave a sad smile.

William: Am I finally happy?


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