Chapter 37

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"Levi!" He was clearly ignoring me I had been chasing him up the stairs yelling out to him the whole way.I was certain he could hear me.

Turing the corner to our bedroom. Levi pulled out his keys and unlocked the door quickly.

Stepping forward to grab ahold of Levis arm to force him to acknowledge my presence I was taken off guard as Levi hand wrapped around my collar at lightening speed ripping me into our bedroom slamming me against the wall next to the door as he shoved it closed with his foot.

"No you listen to me! Why is it that every single time we leave headquarters you cause some sort of scene that forces me to get involved? Your a Captain now start acting like it!" Levi's grip loosens around my collar. I didn't realize he had picked me up in the process. I felt my feet lightly touch down onto the hard floor as Levis grip loosened.

Bringing my hand up to wrap around his wrist I squeeze it tightly ripping his grip from my collar allowing my feet to fully make contact with the floor.

"That's right I am a Captain, meaning I don't need you to run and save me every time something happens. I'm more then capable." Crossing your arms and looking back up to glare into Levis eyes.

Levis fist came down fast beside my head slamming down against the wall that I was backed into. Levi takes another step forward forcing myself to back up completely against the wall. I was taken back when Levis forehead came forward to rest against mine. He breathed in deeply before starting his next sentence.

"Stop that Y/N. Stop throwing yourself a pity party. You know it's not about that. I will always come to protect you regardless, I'll never let anyone hurt you again." Levi's hot breath cascades over my face. Levis breathing had before more sporadic.

"That man.... he used to come and see me in the underground." Dropping your gaze from Levis not wanting to see his reaction as you continued.

"He's a MP so him and few other military men were granted access to the underground stairway. So they came by from time to time." Not wanting to give away to much. The horrible memories were enough to relive.

Levis index finger and thumb grabbed ahold of my chin tugging it back up to meet his worried eyes.

"What do you mean they came to see you? What did he do to you Y/N? What happened down there?" Levi's tone was starting to sound more anxious as the words came out.

Unable to move your chin from Levis hold you drop your eyes from his not wanting to see his reaction to what came next.

"I told you Levi. That tavern wasn't just a bar for men to see dancers. For the loyal customers the manger sold us off in back rooms for...... whatever sick fantasies the client wanted to live out." You almost mumble. Feeling Levis entire body tense you don't dare look up.

"Y/N what did he do to you?" Levi's tone had changed from concern to anger in just a moments notice. His fingers squeeze around your chin.

Contemplating your next words wisely you almost whisper back.

"I don't... I don't want to talk about it." Attempting to shake your head back and forth to rid them memories from your mind that flash before you.

Levis fist slams back down onto the wall even harder this time.

"God damnit Y/N what did he do!?" Levi's tone is almost the exact same as when he's barking orders to his cadets.

"They......! It wasn't just him it was all of them in his squad. They all took turns in the back room. I told you having your last name was a curse. Everyone knew of you down there. Everyone wanted to know for themselves just who caught the eyes of the famous underground thug. Everyone said I must be something for you to settle down. They used it as a selling point." A single tear rolls down your cheek and you can feel your legs about to buckle beneath you.

Levis fist comes in contact with the wall again. And then again and again. He was mad really mad. You had never seen him get so upset. Unable to hold yourself any longer your knees buckle and you slam into the floor. Levi instinctively drops down and pulls you into his chest.

"Y/N!" Levi yells out to me.

His fingers begin to run through your hair as he pulls you more into his lap.

A loud bang pulls us both out of our trance as Hange comes flying through our bedroom door slamming hard into the wooden floor. She quickly composes herself and scrambles to find her glasses. He was bloody and bruised.

"LEVI! Y/N!!!" I'm so sorry I fought as hard as I could but they took Kaneki. There were two men outside of the tavern when we walked up. Jean helped me fight them off but more came and they took Kaneki. They ripped him right out from under me."

Levi was on his feet in a seconds notice. Grabbing ahold of Hanges collar ripping her forward to him.

"What are you saying Hange two thugs kidnapped my son?!" I could see small specks of spit form onto Hanges glasses as he yelled at her.

"Levi I'm so sorry. We must have shown up right after. Jean was still working on pushing the guys away and Kaneki asked where you were. He called you his daddy. The men instantly knew." Hange begins to plea but allows Levi to continue choke her.

"Levi enough! We have to find them before they make it to the underground. God knows what they have planned for him. He's a Ackerman it won't be pleasant." Crawling forward on the ground to wrap your arms around Levis leg squeezing it tight. Still unable to gain enough energy to stand.

"Their back up was yelling about regrouping at some tavern west of the city. Something about meeting at the secret entrance." Hange fights to say out of breath. Levis hold begins to loosen.

"I know where it is. It's close to the walls, it's where you lost me last time Levi. There's a secret entrance to the underground. You would have never noticed because to the naked eye it looks like a cluster of boulders but there is a small opening. We have to make it to them before they can make it there." Almost out of breath I push myself upwards to stand but Levis arms wrap tightly around my waist helping me up.

His hold never leaves as he wraps his arm around my hip pulling me into his chest. Levi looks down at me searching for some sign that I am okay. Before dropping his gaze and looking back to Hange.

"We have to move now. We waited to long to recover Y/N last time. It gave them the advantage. We won't make that mistake again." Levi helps sit you down on a nearby chair as he begins to collect both of your belongings.

"Levi there's one other thing. The men who came as back up had ODM Gear. I'm not quite sure how they managed to get their hands onto some but we will have to use ours to keep up." Hanges hand wraps around her neck as she rubs it lightly from where Levis hold was.

"I assumed. They won't be getting away this time. There will be no survivors." The sound of Levi ODM Gear snapping into place echoed the empty room ass he turned around holding out mine to help get into.

"Hange collect our squads at once. Fill them in. Let them know we leave in 5 minutes. They are to be ready or they will be left behind." Levis yells over his shoulder to Hange still directing most of his attention forward to help make sure I was securing my gear correctly.

"NOW HANGE!!!!" Levi raises his voice even louder at her.

"I'm so sorry Y/N." Hanges eyes were welled up with tears as she looked back at us one last time before exiting the room.

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