Chapter 75 Levi POV

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"It's like some sick joke." Mumbling to myself not really caring who else could hear, meaning how it was just me and shit head down here now.

"Fucccck" bringing my fingers up to pinch the bridge of my nose. I could almost feel the knots forming in my back as I laid on this shitty excuse for a mattress.

After our "altercation" both me and Michaelson's were put  in the cells on Hanges orders. Which wasn't even fair because Jean and Connie along with her newer recruit Jason managed to stop me from doing any further damage.

Michaelson's was missing a few teeth, another broken nose. From what I had gathered from Hanges medical exam on him, he had a few cracked ribs as well. But it's just like that wimp to ride this out and make it about him for as long as he possibly could.

Honestly a few days of suspension would have been sufficient, but for the two weeks we both had been trapped in here I felt like I was robbed, I very well could have dealt more damage if I would have known this would be my own person hell for the next few weeks. Maybe collect a limb or two, something! But this was just sad.

Groaning out in frustration I go to roll onto my side.

"Hey super human you still mad at me or are you ready to talk? You know neither one of us are gonna make it out of here without hashing it out. We've fought to often, Hange can't allow this to go on any further within her ranks." I could hear his head clank against the metal bars as he spoke out to the cell next to him.

Rolling my eyes in disgust at the very sound of his voice. I groan out once more as I roll back onto my back.

Taking a deep breath I try to compose myself. I knew secretly he was right. Hange had no intention on allowing either one of us out until a conclusion was made and someone steps down. She said it's to much stress. Especially with Y/N pregnant now, we can't be putting her through this stress. She dosnt really have the best track record with healthy pregnancy's.

Bringing my hand back up to the bridge of my nose I squeeze my eyes shut.

"How long has it been, how long have we been down here?" I speak out into the muggy air.

"Uhhh 2 weeks give or take? Add a few days, who knows really." I could hear his finger drumming against the metal bars.

"Stop that, really what does she even see in you? You carry yourself like a 5 year old." Annoyed enough with his very presence, 2 weeks was far to long. To long to be around him, and to long to be away from my newly pregnant wife, I longed for her.

It pained me to think of how she must feel every night. I knew from the past pregnancy that she doesn't do well at night, even worse in the early morning with her morning sickness. I know that every pregnancy is different but it still worried me to no end to think that she was laying awake at night cold in our bed, alone.

Talking to this shit head was going to be the only way I made it back to her. I had already kept her waiting long enough with my stubborn self. We needed to talk. She needed to be aware of my past and what I've done, she needed to know it all. But she also needed to know why it happened. Not all affairs were sex crazed passion filled fuck fests.

During the entire duration of Y/N abduction to Marley I had no idea. It's not a excuse but it's not fair to hold one so tightly at the throat for how they chose to cope and move on from their significant other disappearing on them. I mean didn't she do the exact same thing with Michaelson when they first met? My god, she acted as if I didn't tear the entire city apart brick by brick looking for her. Like I didn't spend weeks on end beyond the walls exploring new land in search for her. That I didn't go straight to the royals and make it a personal matter despite the case against us.

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