Chapter 142/ Levi POV

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Authors note: Hello my lovely readers. Thank you for your patience, I know I've been slow on my updates. If you read the posts on my wall then you already know, and if you don't then you know now. I am pregnant with my first born, hence why I've been so slow on updates. I've taken some time for myself to get my mind and body right. I wanted to thank you all for your patience again. I do intend on updating more on this story and on Violence, I'm currently working on that one. I still have much to write about, stories to tell.

Anyways, look at the little bean I'm growing. ☺️

Enjoy the chapter.



Im not sure what I'm seeing, feeling. These emotions weren't my own, didn't belong to me but somehow felt familiar. They were to intense to be my own. I hadn't felt hate like this since.. Since Samantha.

The hate and longing was overwhelming.

I felt like I entered the mind of my worst enemy.

But the hate wasn't directed towards me. That much was clear. Somehow I felt reassured through whatever this was, that this violence wasn't focused towards me, I felt very sure on that.


My eyes bulge, I knew that voice, it sounded clear as day. I could hear him, Levi.

He was everywhere, inside of my head speaking directly to me.

The sound of flesh meeting bone pulls me from my thoughts.

Levi was still on top, moving quicker then I had seen him do in ages. He gave no give, there was no openings. He wouldn't allow Shane to recover, he just continued to throw blow after blow. Blood splattering on the hard wood floors of the cabin with each hit.


My eyes quickly pan up from the two on the ground, meeting Rios eyes.

"Mom! You have to get out of the way!! If you get caught between them you'll get hurt!"

He wasn't wrong, but I couldn't move. I couldn't bring myself to, I felt like I wasn't in control.

"Are you alright? Speak to me."

There it was again, Levi speaking directly to me. But he wasn't, he was to preoccupied with dishing out a beating.

I felt like I was loosing my fucking mind. These past few years I had felt something similar, I just managed to convince myself it was my mind and heart playing tricks on me. That maybe somehow I had imagined it, dreamt of it.

"Y/N answer me!"

This time I hear his words, everyone does.

Levi turns around for just a second, still leaning over Shane to meet my eyes. Eyebrows pinned together.

"Please let me know your unharmed-"

He's cut off, to concerned with me to see what Shane was doing.

His hand found the rock that sits beside our front door to keep it propped open. Slamming it into the side of Levi's head I watch his eyes roll back.


Chaos, utter chaos. It won't stop, there's to much happening and I'm scared. I'm scared for myself, for my children.. And most of all, Levi.

He wasn't getting up, he wasn't defending himself.

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