Chapter 24 Levi POV

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"Why can't she ever just follow my god damn orders?!" I yell a little to loud causing my entire squad to flinch.

Watching Y/N deploy one her cables into the trees nearing the smoke signal, she shot off into the trees  and disappeared.

More blood curdling screams can be heard from her direction.

"Formation can not be broken, but.. but she's my wif.. Kanekis mother ... my ." I think to myself.

Without giving it a second thought I yank my horse in the direction of the screams.

"Armin your in charge until I return, keep the formation tight and continue forward!" Giving my orders before I kicked my horse into a faster gallop.

Deploying my hook into the same tree that I had last seen Y/N at I propel through the trees in the direction I had last seen her.

"To think she could be fucking reckless especially when we have more at stake now. For the love of god was she not even thinking about our son?! Or me ?" It doesn't matter. All that mattered was reaching her in time before her recklessness caused it all to fall apart.

Using that to drive me further I used my gas to propel myself further into the thick trees.

Just in time landing on a nearby tree branch to see Y/N attempting to rescue another cadet, Samantha? Y/N definitely wouldn't be happy about this one." I almost chuckled under my breath.

The sound of tree branches snapping to the side of me brought my attention to a Titan that must have been hiding. Cadet Samantha was just below me as Y/N continued to use her gas to shoot herself forward.

"She's not gonna make it, she doesn't even see the Titan ahead of her. Is she fucking blind ?"

"Y/N!" I yell in her direction.

"It's no good she can't hear me over her wires." Holstering my blades I drop down from the tree branch using a small amount of gas to shoot me faster to the ground.

Wrapping one single arm around Samanthas waist I release another wire into a tree that Y/N is about to pass.

"If she can see us in time I can get her to stop before she gets in the perimeter of the Titan." I thought to myself

"What a fucking fool compromising the mission and putting everything we've built at risk. Her ass is mine when we make it back to headquarters." I yelled out to nobody in particular, Samanthas eyes look up to meet mine. She almost looks....sad? She buries  her face into my chest end tightens her grip.

Landing on a nearby tree branch i instantly remove my grip from Samantha almost shoving her from me as she falls on her knees. Before she was able to realize what I was doing I had already strung her up, feet dangling as my grip tightened around her neck. Her face began to turn a light shade a pink.

"Cadet Samantha isn't It just common sense to always check your fuel supply before a outing or are you actually that dense?! Your comrades deaths are on your hands! Their blood is on your hands. The repercussions of your actions will be far but pleasant." I spit in her face as I toss hee backwards allowing her body to slam into the tree trunk.

Turning around just in time to see Y/N being ripped back by her cable by one of the Titans. Making a loud of cracking noise, her wire snaps clean off the tree and breaks.


"No this can't be happening, not again." The words come out feeling like fire.

Y/N's body is violently flying through the air, she almost looks dead. A loud crack rings through all the trees and vibrates off my ears. And I know it's her.I can feel my heart stop beating a few seconds as I continued to listen to her body slam into tree branch after tree branch.

Unable to control my body anymore rage took over. Flipping the dull side of my blade back to rest onto my forearm I shoot a hook into the Titans shoulder. Before the Titan was able to turn in my direction to see where the sound of a hook being deployed was coming from I had already ripped my blades through the back of its neck digging them deeper then necessary the Titans head comes clean off.

Landing on the ground I wipe my blades clean on my pant leg "Tch disgusting."

Hearing the other abnormal coming up behind me and fast I shoot a hook up right above me into a tall tree, using some fule to shoot me out of the Titans grasp as he passes below, I throwing both blades into his eyes. Then re attaching new blades coming down in a spinning motion I fillet the arm that was starting to reach out to grab me. Cutting all the way to its nape. A deep groan escapes my mouth as I slice through its nape severing this one as well.

Leaving the cadet behind I shoot off in Y/N's direction.

"I have to find her,this can't keep happening." I shake my head back and forth trying to fight off the inevitable tears brimming my eye lids.

"No she's alive, she's strong she wouldn't do that to us." Reassuring yourself out loud.

Seeing big tree branches snapped clean in half that would normally support both of our weights I begin to panic.

" Y/N!!!!!!" Yelling in no general direction

"Y/N?WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" I can feel hot tears falling down my cheek.

Quickly wiping them away I continue searching "Y/N!!!!!!"

Hearing cadets coming up quickly behind me, Armin must have sent some scouts as reinforcements from the squad behind us.

"Smart kid" thinking to myself .


"Captain your orders?It's been over 2 hours and the Commander has called for a retreat."One of the cadets whispers hesitantly.

"Fall back and join the main formation. I'll be right behind you." Looking over my shoulder giving the order, unable to meet anyone's eyes right now.

"Captain I think she's...."

Spinning around and grabbing the cadet by his collar lifting him into the air "I don't remember asking a mere Cadets a god damn thing! but I do remember giving a order to retreat to a lousy excuse for a Cadet. Did I not?!" Bringing his face closer to mine .

"Ye yes sir I apologize" bringing both hands up to signal defeat. Tossing him to the forest floor.

"Tch get the hell out of my site before I send you back to first year." Glaring down at the cadet I spit through my teeth.

He immediately scrambled to collect himself off the floor and run to the already retreating cadets that I could only assume had watched the performance.

Venturing further into the forest and coming up and a dead end again a very real possibility crossed my mind.

"What if a Titan got to her before I could." Shaking the thought out of your head my legs collapse and give out causing me to fall to my knees.

"She's really just gone?" Whispering to myself. A firm hand comes down on my shoulder.

"Lieutenant I know this is personal but we can't spare anymore lives staying out her waiting for her. We will assemble a recovery squad the moment we return, we won't rest Levi." Erwins grip tightens as he looks down at me.

Bringing myself off my knees I take one last look around before turning to meet Erwins eyes.

"I will pick and lead the recovery squad, none of them will rest until she is found" without giving him a chance to respond I push past him.

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