Chapter 48/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

Bringing both my of my index fingers up to rub small circles on my temples as a attempt to relive some stress after listening to what these morons had to say.

Every single one of them was a stuttering mess, it took almost a hour for them to cough it up finally.

Sasha, Connie and Jean were talking in circles at this point. Pointing the finger at one another. Trying to justify why their actions were any less guilty then the others.

"Enough." I say loud enough for the 3 to hear. They were still bickering back and forth trying to make each other look more guilty.

Grabbing ahold of the belts that go across Jeans chest I yank him forward into my other fist. Earning a painful groan as the air leaves his body.

Stepping back I release my grip on his belts and his knees buckle beneath him sending him crashing into the stone.

"Oooooooo." Sasha face was contorted in pain as she clinger to Connie.

"That gotta hurt." Connie agrees with her.

"That'a for keeping all of this from me. Tch, I would have figured at least you had some sort of brains out of the bunch." Side stepping him to approach the other two.

They both immediately tense up at the sight of me approaching.

"Where is your base located? And where is Y/N's quarters?" Bringing my gaze back up to the two of them.

They both are looking back and forth between one another to see which one was going to break first and give me my answer that I was growing quite impatient for.

"Cap... the courts... you guys could risk the entire case." Jean coughed in between words. Turning around he flinches at my movement as he continues to pick himself up off the filthy ground.

"Tch, That's no longer your concern, besides you have all proven you are unfit for the task at hand anyways. Meaning how you managed to turn this into a shit show." Addressing all 3 of them now.

"Captain we're sorry we looked out for her the best we could. We just didn't want to mess anything up." Sasha had stepped forward to defend Jean.

"If that's your best that's pathetic. Do better. Now the base and room. NOW!" No longer being able to keep my composure.

"Yes Captain follow us." They all 3 said in unison as they sent hooks into nearby building launching them into the air.



No longer being able to be endure that environment any further I set back for the Base early without my squad. I had arrived much earlier then the others.

It wasn't a big deal. They knew their way back. They also have numerous other squads to ride back with. Besides I think the events that had transpired earlier were more then enough explanation for my disappearance.

Changing into a fresh change of clothes I quickly head out into the hall before the others arrive back in time to stop me.

I often waited until dusk to come out into the woods.

My squad was very good about not allowing me usage of my ODM gear due to my pregnancy. I couldn't blame them. They were honestly just trying to look out for me.

But that didn't fill the never ending hole that i was able to fill for a mere second as I watched the sun set from the tallest branches.

After everything that had happed today I deserved it.

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