Chapter 50

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I awoke in a cold sweat instantly feeling my insides Turing. I was going to throw up. My body quickly shot upwards into the sitting position. Looking down at my bare chest I grab the white sheets that had gathered around my waist. Yanking them upwards to cover my nakedness.

I look at the gloomy room. There was no sight of Levi. Looking across the room at the small window I can make out faint hints of sunshine.

"Shit he must had let me sleep in. I can't have already missed lunch!" Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed I see the shirt Levi was wearing yesterday folded neatly across the room on the chair.

"What a clean freak." I laugh to myself only for a second as the sudden urge to throw up comes creeping up my throat. Throwing my free hand over my mouth I quickly cross the room slipping on Levis shirt making my way out into the hall.

This base was so shitty not even the Captains had their own bathrooms.

At this point I was running dodging and weaving the up and coming cadets as they all made their way to the training fields.

Slamming a stall door open I skid on my knees to the toilet. Grasping at the sides desperately as I empty my stomach into the bowl.

After dry heaving for what felt like a hour I bring my hand down to my stomach.

"Really? You couldn't give me a break this time around?" Almost laughing to myself I steady myself as I pick myself up off of the floor.

Making my way to the sink I fill my mouth up with water swishing it around and then spitting it back out.

"I'll need to brush my teeth after this for sure." Bringing the back of my arm up to my lips I stare at myself in the dirty mirror.

Levis shirt was falling off of one shoulder. It came down just below my behind. He was bigger then me but not by to much. It was enough to cover my private parts. I'm sure not enough in his eyes though. I almost laugh at myself again.

Stepping back out into the hall I look both ways to make sure it's clear before heading back to my chambers to get ready for whatever was left remaining in the day.

As I make my way down the halls i feel a sharp pain shoot through my womanhood. Without knowing I squealed out in pain.

Reaching out to the side the brace myself against the wall as I begin laughing to myself.

"Really he barley even put it in." Chuckling under my breath I prepare myself to make to remainder of the trip back to be quickly pulled from my though as I feel a pair of strong hands grasp me from the back pulling me up and off the wall.

"Y/N are you okay?" Michaelson's voice was filled of worry as I slowly spin around to meet his eyes.

His nose was busted up with the blackened eyes. He looked like he was putting all of his weight to one side of his body as he attempted to help me up from the wall.

Knowing exactly why his injuries occurred I hang my head and sigh out. Noticing my bare shoulder was exposed with nothing underneath I can see the top of my breast being exposed to him.

Bringing my hand up I pull Levis shirt up into the correct position then running my hands down the front to work out any wrinkles that had formed, to embarrassed to meet his eyes again.

His hand runs up the side of my arm grabbing ahold of the collar.

"Huh, this shirts his. Isn't it?" His hand releases the collar dropping down to my arm to stroke it lightly up and down.

"Y...yeah. Dropping my head one more time in shame." I stare at his boots.

"Did you fuck him?" A hint of jealousy and anger peaked through his voice as he dropped his head forward to rest against mine. Never letting go of my arm.

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