Chapter 84/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

I could feel Kanekis twitch in his sleep as he laid between me and his mother. Ever since Rize arrival he had made it a point to alway be where she was.

He quite literally took it to heart when I said he needed to be watching over his baby sister. I didn't mind it though, it was almost comforting to know that long after I'm gone, someone would be looking out for her.

Y/N moans in her sleep as she lays lifelessly beside me. Tossing in her sleep, she had been restless these past nights. With Rize arrival and the unfortunate events that took place during her delivery, I think Y/N found it hard to keep a distance from our new addition.

It almost became routine, having to pry Y/N's fingers from Rize small body. She had become so protective, so attached, she hardly allowed anyone outside of our immediate small family to hold her.

Running off of fumes became routine for me. Besides i cherished whatever alone time I got with Rize, she had become quite popular around the base. Not to mention hardly any of these knuckle heads had ever seen a new born baby, let alone up close. It became a daily occurrence reminding them of who's daughter she was. That seemed to be the only way to fend them off. Everyone but Hange that was.

Bringing a hand up to Rize's back I lightly stroke it as I hear her lips make small suction noises as she's dreams about eating from Y/N's chest, she was truly adorable. Absolutely perfect, her and Kaneki both. Not a flaw on them, they could almost do no wrong in my eyes, the purest form of perfection.

It was true what they said though she was most definitely premature. The fact that her parents were short to begin with didn't help, but she was abnormally small.... or maybe she was for being the only baby I'd ever held.

Quite frankly she frightened me. I was scared I might be to rough with her, hurt her. I just cared for her so deeply, I never wanted to see the day she ever discovered pain.

Was this what it meant to be a father to a daughter?

Kaneki was a young boy, bound to get into a few fights. Hell, he was a Ackerman after all, point being I wasn't all that worried that he wouldn't be able to hold his own. I knew he could, but the very thought of leaving Rize alone frightened me. She needed protection all the time, I could never let anyone hurt her. No one could ever come close to touching her, I'd protect her always.

Y/N had a rough delivery to say the least. The so proclaimed doctor had come close to clipping a artery of hers. The amount of blood was unreal, I had seen bodies severed from the hips. Fields coated in blood, soldiers begging for me to end it. But nothing compared to the sight of Y/N bleeding out. Our baby girl being pulled lifelessly from Y/N open stomach. It all seemed like something from a terrible nightmare.

We hadn't really had the time to talk about it but Y/N knew the damage done... Rize was it for us. Y/N could no longer carry a child without it causing a major threat to her life, at least that's what we were told. And honestly, after witnessing what I had I could almost say for certain I didn't want anymore, Rize was it for me.

It had traumatized me, not for the obvious reasons. I had prepared myself going into this I may see some things not so pleasant, this was childbirth after all. Nothing could scare me away from Y/N. Nothing but the sheer terror of actually almost losing her, being left alone in this terrible world with not one but TWO kids and one of them being a newborn. I didn't know the first thing there was to know about being a father to a newborn.

Rize cooing in my ear pulls me from my half conscious sleep. Her small hands were wrapped tightly in a blanket Y/N had secured her in before bed. Rize was stirring in her sleep, something I guess that was common for newborns . I could feel her small cold nose rub against my neck as I held her tightly to my chest. We slept like this most nights.

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