Chapter 1: ❤Dakotas Life❤

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Hi guys this is my first fan fiction! So please enjoy, I hope you like it! ❤


Hello my name is Dakota but some people like to call me D! I am 19 years old. I am an American girl who is a true kpop fan!

Of course my all time favorite group is Exo! Although I like BigBang too!
But Anyways. I'm a simple girl who loves to shop, play video games,and just chill.

I am what people would consider one of the guys because I hang out with lots of guys!

Lol! I am an only child and my dad really isn't a part of my life much. He's kind of in and out if you understand.

I only have one best friend who's name is Rosa. Me and her met when we were in middle school 6th grade. We've been friends forever it feels like!

Us girls love to do reaction videos to Kpop music videos! Actually me and her became friends because of kpop! Haha! Sorry for talking too much about kpop!

Anyways my birthdays coming up tomorrow and I'm very excited! I'm gonna be turning 20! ❤ Ikr I'm gonna be old, lol!

Anyways after I hung out with Rosa I went on home and took my shower for bed. Ready to be and old Fart! Haha!



Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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