Chapter 9: War..

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During this really weird conversation I asked Chanyeol what was going on.

He said "Our Country and Your country are at war"


What is he talking about war?

So I asked him what he was talking about and then as I was asking him I heard him crying and sniffling.

Thats weird..

Why would he be crying?

Then Chanyeol said

"We can't be together anymore or they might kill you"

When he said that I started crying and couldn't stop, I didn't understand how the one time I finally get to do what I want which was come to Korea and meet exo.

I'm now gonna have to hide so that the military doesn't kill me.

This is so confusing.

One thing that I thought about it.. that's why they wasn't gonna let me leave at the airport.


I'm stuck here..

I don't know what to do so I asked Chanyeol what I could do because they won't let me go home!

Chanyeol told me to cover my face up and meet him at his dorm safely and quietly!

Omg I can't believe this.. how can countries just go to war all of a sudden.

So I decided I needed to meet him.. terrified to walk outside..

Oh dear please let me make it out of here and sad thing is




I can't bring my mother and Rosa with me.


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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