Chapter 48: Happiness ❤

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Once I got that news a feeling ran through that I hadn't felt in months. Happiness. When I got this feeling I couldn't stop smiling!

Now that this has happened I have some serious plans, of which I never thought I would be able to accomplish being that I thought we'd never make it to the end.

I'm still trying to figure out where to go and what to do luckily I have my man Chanyeol to help with some decisions!

I decided that I was going to move to Korea with Chanyeol and live there with him! The reason is because I don't have anything left in America for me and Chanyeols family is in Korea. So that only leads to moving there.

So I told Chanyeol the plan and of course he was happy I mean really happy considering we're still alive! I then quickly packed up what little I had left from my house while Chanyeol got the plane tickets to Korea. I was excited to be able to live there because even though Korea and America had problems I will always love Korea.

I didn't have much left considering the people had destroyed my house looking for Chanyeol. As I grabbed my fees bags and walked to car I looked back at my house where I once lived happily with my family that now no longer lives anymore. I look back and see the place where my family took their life to save mine and had tears roll down my face. It saddens me to leave but sometimes its best to move on.

I then turned away from my house and got into the cab that will drive us to the airport. Luckily there was a flight today so we could leave now. As we drove to the airport, I watched the trees and cars going down the road knowing the horrible things that happened here and knowing that I'll never come back to this place again. I will now be happy. I turned to Chanyeol and gave him a kiss and laid my head on his chest while he stroked my head. Telling him how much I loved him and how happy I am. ❤

The drive was long but I didn't care being that we've been through hell these past months! When we finally reached the airport we interlocked fingers and gave them our passports before I got onto the plane I looked out the window of the place a waved goodbye to my family who were not here in person but here in my heart.

We then got into the plane a flew to our happiness that awaited us in Korea. ❤


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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