Chapter 29: Chanyeolll ❤❤❤

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I couldn't wait to surprise Chanyeol.

I can't wait to see his reaction, I don't know what he's gonna do. He could cry, yell, idk what he's gonna do all I hope is that he's gonna be happy.

I hope he's not mad at me!

After Kai opened the door he led me to Chanyeols room.

To not make it noticeable Kai opened the door quietly.

I saw Chanyeol with his headphones on laying down.. he looked depressed I had to surprise him.

Kai backed up and threw his hand out directing me to go in.

I walked quietly and tapped on Chanyeols shoulder.

When he turned around I saw tears in his eyes!

He didn't say anything he just grabbed me and squeazed me real tight and knocked me down on the bed. ❤

He didn't let go of me for a long time. He was crying and I was crying it was the greatest moment I've ever had.

Once we finally let go of each other he said to me "I can't believe you're alive and risked your life to come back to me"

All I said was "I love you"

He then kissed me and it lasted forever!

After our amazing greatings after not seeing each other.

I then told him I don't know where I was going to stay and of course he said "stay with me baby, I can't let you go again."

I loved hearing that!

So I decided I would spend the rest of the day and night with him and if someone comes in I would have to hide.

Nobody came in the room with us because they knew we hadn't seen each other for weeks!

While in the room we watched movies

* beastly

* I am number four

* zombieland

* and The mortal instruments

Which are my all time favorite movies ❤

The whole time we were watching movie we cuddled together! And ate sweet snacks he even fed me strawberries with whip cream and I fed him too.

He even wiped whip cream on my face. And I done it to him too! ❤

He then pushed me back on the bed and layed on top of me staring into my eyes.

He then kissed every part if my face which made me blush of course, hehe ❤❤

I then grabbed him and didn't let go.

Funny thing was that He even painted my toenails for me ❤❤❤

Which was so cute haha.

After all that playing around he then asked me how I escaped from that place.

I then told him the whole story and the whole time he was so interested and shocked he couldn't believe what I told him.

After the conversation I told him I had to get a shower.

I also said to him "do not peak Mr."

He gave me a t shirt of his to wear.

As I was getting undressed he walked in and saw me naked.

Before I could fuss at him he grabbed me around my waist and kissed me telling me "your body is making me feel like I'm gonna have heart attack" (exo song heart attack :)

I was so shy but didn't say anything he kissed on the cheek and said " can I take a shower with you babe"




A shower!!

Uhh, I don't know what to say I mean
Chanyeol... Naked...
Omfg I'm gonna faint.

Before I could reply he started taking his clothes off.


I almost fell over dead.

He had already taken everything off but his underwear.

Oh no.

Welp there went his underwear.



Okay I'm dead!

Gotta get out of this fan girl mode! Ahhhhh

Okay I got this..

I turned around and got in the shower before he could see my facial reaction.

We then took a shower together and he even washed my hair for me!! ❤❤

We got out and got dressed.

Then went to bed.

I still couldn't believe I just saw Chanyeol naked. I'm still having that image in my head!

Anyways gotta sleep!

Night ❤


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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