Chapter 28: I made it ❤

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The driver then pulled up to the back area of the dorm. He walked up with me to the guards at the back.

He told them I was a great friend of Chanyeols and was gonna pay his a surprise visit.

They went to speaking in Korean so I was lost! Haha!

Anyway they stopped speaking shook both our hands and let us in.

I couldn't believe I got in! This is omfg amazing!

Now I walked up to the dorm room of Chanyeols! Hoping that Kai and Baekhyun weren't there because they would tell on me.

But I had to take a risk!

I couldn't get myself to knock for some reason a part of me was happy but a part of me was terrified!

I then knocked 3 times.

No answer...

I waiting for 5 minutes and then the door opened




It was KAI!

Oh no!

He then asked me who I was and when I took of my glasses he almost fell over.

He didn't say anything he just stared at me like he was shocked.

He then said "how could you be here"

I then decided to tell him the whole story and he did something that shocked me.




He hugged me!


I thought he hated me, this didn't make any since.

He the said "at first I didn't trust you but now that I've found out you risked your life for Chanyeol it makes me like you, I can't believe I'm saying this but i love you! Like a friend of course though."

When he said that a smile ran across my face!

Someone who once hated me And made me leave now LOVES me!

This is great news!

And before I could say anything else he let me in and said "let's surprise Chanyeol because he's been grieving for you, I don't know how he going to react, he'll probably fall over"


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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