Chapter 15: What happened to My mom and Rosa?

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After I said that I just realized..

I haven't heard from my mom and friend Rosa in over a week.

Which is weird cause they would of contacted me by now.

So I asked the driver if he had a phone around for me to call and check on them.

He did but said to be careful because they might have people looks ng in there house. (Meaning they might be hiding)

I called them and didn't get anything but a bunch of rings.. So I called again and again and again.

But then..

Someone answered the phone but it wasn't my mom or friend.




It was a man who was speaking Korean..

Oh crap. They could track the phone call!!

But I needed to know what happened to them, I so I put Chanyeol on the phone and told him to ask.

But then..

I heard my mother scream!

When I heard that I knew what was happening. They found their hidout.

Which meant they were gonna kill them.

Right when I was about to hang up I heard Rosa scream, Dakota please come help us, I know its you!

Omg! I felt so sad, I hung up before I could hear anything else.

So now all I have is Chanyeol!

I couldnt believe what happened, I fell in the floor and starting crying histarically! I can't believe it..

I'm alone and only have Chanyeol!

What am I'm gonna do now?





Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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