Chapter 19: I cant believe this..

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I woke up in a dark room of which I couldn't see anything.

My vision was still kind if a blur, but I was starting to see a little.

There was a part of me that wanted to cry and there was a part of me that wanted to find a way out of here. Quickly.

I finally got off my feet and realized I was in a prison cell.

The scary thing is I was alone.

Usually in prisions you're in there with other people, right then and there I knew something was up.

There was a little mirror on the wall and when I looked into it there was a gigantic bump/knot on my head from where he had hit me.

I saw a big metal door and some bars I was trying to stand on my toes to look and see.

I saw other cells who had other American women in them. I felt so sad for them but at the same time I'm in the same situation.

I did though see a key on a hook but I couldn't reach it!

So I sat down on my bed of which felt like a rock.

I can't believe this.. I'm stuck here.

Then some Korean man brought Me some food.

He told me that I was gonna become a slave their and do work for them.

So I ate and was forced to go to bed of which I fought them and they put me in restraints.

I honestly hate feeling like a incaged animal!

I gotta find a way out of here..


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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