Chapter 39: Hidden

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My dad then came in the room and said that the police will be here to search our house in about 20 minutes.

So I got Chanyeol in his place and fixed my self up so that they wouldn't suspect anything.

I wore my dark blue jeans and my Aeropostal shirt with my black and white jordens.

I gave Chanyeol a kiss while grabbing his face because I was hoping that I would be able to see him again after this.

Once I was fixed up and Chanyeol was hidden I heard 3 knocks on the door. I could feel my nerves tingling of fear that they will find him.

I opened the door and gestured them in, with a fake smile on my face. They smiled back and walked in.

They were moving and touching everything. They then went into the basement which made me feel sweat beads fall down my neck and forehead.

I wiped it off so that they wouldn't see. They were banging everything around I then walked down to the basement to make sure everything was good.

They watched me as I came down, I said "just checking in" with a scared but fake smile.

They then went around the area where Chanyeol was. Oh gosh, what do I do.

My dad then came down the basement stairs also making sure it was cool. I could see he kept touching something in his back pocket but couldn't tell what it was.

I ignored thinking he was just adjusting his pants or whatever and then..

They pulled back the shelf I had in front if the secret door! 0.0

They then started tapping on the wall to hear if there was a difference in sound or to find out if its hollowed out.

While they were doing it one guy stopped and was listening. Oh no, I hope he didn't hear anything.

The guy had a weird and confused face on him. I hope he didn't find anything for the sake of Chanyeols life and my family or what's left of my family. ):


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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