Chapter 43: Rough Times

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As I laid there in my bed thoughts of leaving crossed my mind. But why leave after everything I've done. You know, maybe he'll realize he was stupid and crossed the line. I don't know anymore, I kind of just feel like everything I've done for him and us is just worth nothing to him. What kind of person can just mistreat someone like that after all the shit I've put up with.

I mean come on I'm the one that should be angry not him. But no I'm the one who trys to be optimistic and let things go and he's the one who's all dramatic. I mean seriously he's worst than a 13 year old.

I'm the one who has lost every family member of mine to this war and all he's lost is his mind for mistreating me. What should I do, should I leave and never come back or give him a chance.

I then just got out of my bed and walked into kitchen to get some cereal. He only had wheat grains which I hate but I'll eat it anyway.

I walked to my room and cut on the TV. As I walked by Chanyeols room I saw him leaning over the bed with his hands on his head. He looked mad so I wasn't even gonna speak.

I turned on Spongebob and watched it hoping it would make me laugh. As I sat there I realized I should just give him a chance. Everybody makes mistakes including me so I'll wait and see what he says.

I just know in myself an apology won't cure the hurt he has put me through. Maybe he'll do something more, But then again I don't think he cares.

After I ate my cereal I cleaned up my dish and went back in my room.

I threw on my work out clothes of which all he had was a tshirt and shorts with some tennis shoes. Even though there's lots of problem I need to exercise of which I haven't done in weeks.

I then went outside and jogged the streets. The streets were very empty considering the fact that there almost always full of people. I just ignored and kept running. As I was running I started getting a seriously bad knee pain.

I sat on the road and felt around I think I pulled something it hurts all in my thigh and calf's !

I quickly got back to the house and told the driver guy what was going on. He then looked and told me I had sprained my ankle! How the hell could that of happened I only tripped once. Damn. I have the worst luck.

As he was wrapping my ankle I heard the floor creak and saw Chanyeol watching us. He had a sorry face on him. But I just ignored and hobbled along past him to my room and propped up my ankle.

The luck just keeps getting better! Ha


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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