Chapter 7: Explanation..

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I pulled Rosa to my room because i needed to tell my best friend what happened.

So I told her that Chanyeol pulled me in his dressing room kissed me, got caught by fans, took me to his dorm room and let me wear his shirt to bed, he slept with me and called me his princess.

After piling all of that on her she said "girl you are so f*cking lucky, I wish i was you" I was shocked she wasn't mad at me!

She then asked me if me and were an official couple. I didn't really know what to say cause it all happened so fast!

Then once I told her that he gave me his phone number and asked to see me again she yelled "Dakotas gotta boyfriend, Dakotas gotta boyfriend" I swear she was acting like a 5 year old.

I thought it was funny though!! (:

And then..

She told me to call him.


I can't call him, that'll be weird! No it won't she said!

So after 30 minutes of her begging me to call him I did and when he picked up the phone as soon as I spoke he said "hello baby girl. I miss you."

I fell off the bed when he said that! Omg! Then I said "I missed you too babe" he was like "oh so now I'm your babe, I think I'm starting to like you more and more everyday!"

"Awwwe" screamed Rosa! ❤

Then me and him talked for literally like 2 hours and he had to go to bed because I could tell he was sleepy.

We both said our good nights and love yous' and went to bed.

Curious when I'm gonna see him especially because I will be leaving Korea soon, or at least I'm supposed to be.

Not sure if I should tell him..


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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