Chapter 47: Is it really over?

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When we woke up today the house was very quiet. I mean its quiet sometimes but its usually loud whether its the TV or music or someone doing something in the kitchen.

When Chanyeol and I was into the living room we saw The driver guy on the phone with a smile on his face, which was odd cause I haven't seen him smile since I first met him.

I wonder what's so exciting cause we both could use some good news. So I walked up to try and listen to his conversation but couldn't understand what was being said.

So after he got off the phone Chanyeol walked up to him and asked him what was making him so cheerful.

Then as they were speaking I saw Chanyeols face light up of which I hadn't seen since we first met at the concert. ❤ I gotta know what's going on!

Chanyeol then ran over to me jumping up and down with a smile that was so perfect. It made me want to smile because well he's still a happy virus. ❤

He said " its over, can you believe it, the war is over! The driver guy just got a call from the military service saying that the war has ended with a few hundred deaths! Can you believe this we can be together in public now"

When he told me that I didn't believe him because how could a war just be over I mean I know its been total of about 5 months but how could that be, I mean is it really over!?

I then started jumping up and down hugging him because I now know everything's gonna be okay cause its finally over. This long, hard, drawn-out war is over! We are finally together as one! ❤

I honestly can't believe this because I've been wishing upon every star I see to have peace and be able to live happily. And now I can! Whata ya know, wishes do come true! ❤


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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