Chapter 50: Dreams Do Come True ❤

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For once I actually felt good waking up! As I woke up I sat up in the bed all I saw was red! It was covered in red rose petals! Oh my gosh! ❤ When I got up off the bed the petals read "I love you" and on the desk table right beside the bed was a note that read:

Dakota, the love if my life. I left those rose petals for you to show how much love I have for you. I want you to walk over to the chair that's at the side if the room. And I want you to wear that outfit and meet me at the Han River. Make yourself beautiful, well I forgot you're beautiful without makeup so do whatever you want and meet me there, I have a big surprise for you. Love you Baby girl!

This guy is so amazing! And the outfit he picked out was so beautiful! It was a red sequin dress with red and black sequin heels. With that there was a beautiful pearl necklace and bracelet set with a double pair of diamond earrings. And there was a diamond clip for my hair.

It was so beautiful! I then got in my dress which fit my body perfectly! I slipped on my heels and put my jewelry on. Then I walked over to my vanity and put on some thin black eyeliner, with some light brown eye shawdow, and some bright red lip stick to make my lips look perfect. Then before I got up I put on my little diamond hair clip that read "Perfection"

I walked over to the mirror to see how I look I couldn't believe how amazing I looked in my clothes! Chanyeol has such a good since of style for me! ❤

I then grabbed my purse and walked out of my room. Kai, Baekhyun, and Tao looked at me with a stunning look. They came up to me and told me how beautiful I looked. Kai and Baekhyun had a smirk on their face because I think they know what's going on. (: They all gave me a hug and Kai held out his hand gesturing me to grab it and walk with him. He then walked me to a big black limo!

Omg! This makes Me think of prom! ❤❤

He then helped me in the car and gave me a peck on the cheek. Saying "enjoy yourself, you deserve it"

Wow Chanyeol had this all planned out! The driver then drove me straight to the Han River. Which was so beautiful. The driver got out and helped me out of the car. I then walked to the river dock. There I saw Chanyeol in a black suit with lights hanging all around him. He held out his hand pulling me towards him. The driver guy turned on some slow dancing music. We then danced touching together for so long. As we were dancing he looked me into the eyes and gave me the most passionate kiss ever. It lasted for minutes! It was the greatest kiss ever.

Once we finished he then reached in his back pocket and got down on one knee. I started smiling! He grabbed me hand and said "Dakota, will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife and the love of my life forever."

Me "Yesssss! I love you so much! ❤"

He then put the engament ring on my finger and stood up, I jumped up on him hugging and not letting him go. I was so happy, I started crying! I couldn't believe after everything he'd want to marry me.

We then walked hand in hand to the limo and got in! We held onto each other and kissed each other to death.

Once we reached the dorm room he carried me bridal style to the bedroom. He then laid me on the bed and got on top of me! Right then I knew what was gonna happen.

"We done it" it was the greatest thing ever! I knew after that we'd be together forever.

Once we finished we both took a shower together and washed each others hair. He put his hands around my waist while kissing my neck.

We then got dressed and got to bed. I could hear the other guys laughing cause they knew what had just happened!

4 months later:

I kept getting weird pains in my stomach and groin area wondering what was happening. Chanyeol took me to the hospital and guess what I found out.

I'm pregnant with twins! ❤

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