Chapter 16: I feel so alone.

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After I heard what happened, I couldn't believe me ears. Yes I know I have Chanyeol, but I don't have anyone else.

And if something happens to him, I won't have anything of my life left.

I mean yes my life wasn't perfect, I didn't have a good job, lived with my mom and was struggling in school.

But once I met Chanyeol none of that mattered.

When we met I felt my soul combine with his. Instantly when we first met we connected. I just wish he wasn't risking his life for me.

I understand in life people make sacrifices for the ones they love but he is taking a big risk.

Being that he is a celebrity someone going to notice he's missing. If he gets caught he would never be a singer again, and could be killed or put in prison.

Now I know that his exo members ditched him because of me but I feel like he's was hurt and now wants to prove to them he can protect me.

Maybe that is not the case but it feels that way.

But it doesn't matter now because we got each other!

So I walked up to Chanyeol back hugged him and kissed him on the cheek telling him how much I loved him.

He looked at me with amazment! Because I hadn't done that since we met.

He then turned around and layed on top of me in the bed.

(We didn't do anything!! ;)

He literally was laying there looking into my eyes and said "do you really love me"

I honestly couldn't believe he was questioning what I told him.

So I decided a kiss on the cheek wasn't enough so I put my hands behind the nape of neck pulled him closer. And kissed him on the lips.

Not a short one but a long and instance one. ❤

It was honestly perfect because he went for it too and it literally went on for 30 minutes before we stopped.

Once we stopped he then laid back and I laid my head on his chest. He then started stroking my hair and it mad me feel so warm inside.

Then he said "I believe that you love me" ❤

When he said that I felt so happy (:

But then the driver came running in again!

Except this time.. He was crying and screaming!

Oh no..


.... What's wrong now


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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