Chapter 18: Caught.

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When I heard that door open my heart stopped beating right there.

Because there was no way that I could move anymore because the room itself is tiny like a dog pen.

I then felt a hand grab my leg and jerk me out.

I was kicking and fighting for my life! I punched him in the face and kicked the other guy in the groin.

I kept fighting until one of the guys punched me in the face and put me in handcuffs.

I cant believe I got caught! After all of this I'm gonna die! I don't understand how the world works anymore.

The asshole then pushed me down the floor on my knees and kicked me in the back causing me to fall on my stomach in excruciating pain.

Then he jerked me back up on my feet and jerked and pulled me out of the room.

Then I saw Chanyeol face when he saw I was caught! He had anger and sadness in his eyes.

He then ran to me screaming!

The man then punched him!

I screamed " don't you ever hit him again. He has nothing to do with this!"

The man then hit me upside the head with a baton and I fell to the floor out cold.

As I fell down I could see the sadness and broken-ness in Chanyeol's eyes.

After that everything went black.

I couldn't see or hear I was out like a light!

Oh dear whats going to happen to me now..


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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