Chapter 25: Where's Chanyeol?

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I asked the driver guy where Chanyeol was..

He had a face of confusion on him.

So I repeated my question!

Where's Chanyeol??

He said: "I don't know, after you got taken away he went up the bathroom crying and screaming at nothing and then I went up there to check on him and he was gone, I'm so sorry! He really did love you, im positive you'll be able to find him"

When he said that my I just fell out in the floor!

I couldn't believe after all this and risking my life he'd just disappear!

There's got to be clues to where he is.

I went up to the bathroom and saw on the sink there was a sticky note.

It read:

"I'm sorry for leaving but I just can't take it anymore. I lost the love of my life and don't know if I'll ever see her again. I am very thankful for your help but I have to go. I am at my dorm and will be going back to being Exo, if anything happens call me at ......... Thanks! Sincerely, Chanyeol."

I didn't understand this but I knew I would have to go to him. I couldn't call him because they would be able to trace my number so I decided I was going to disguise myself and go to him.

I know he'll be ecstatic to see me!


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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