Chapter 12: Alone.

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This place is so creepy. As I sit down here I feel like these walls are caving in on me and I'm suffocating.

I mean at first it didn't bother me but its been a week and I'm starting to lose my mind.

Chanyeol still stays with me everyday and takes care of me. But I'm starting to feel like he's being distant.

I think its because he knows he risking his life for someone who was once "just a fan"

It saddens to me because I'm starting to feel alone and I hate that feeling.

I tried talking to him but all he could do was stare at the ground. I even back hugged him and he had no reaction.

After all that's going on I can't believe my one true love has just forgotten me.

Then I just broke down into tears in the corner of the room on the bed. I just kept crying and crying. Then I realized Chanyeol was looking at me and he looked teary eyed.

Which is weird cause he hasn't had a reaction in 4 days.

Then he came over to me and grabbed me and held me as tight as he possibly could. I was so shocked and then I also felt relief because he still loved me.

He kept holding me for 20 minutes straight. We both were crying and I didn't want to let go of him because I knew he was all I had at this moment.

Chanyeol then pulled back and gave me a passionate kiss. He told me " I love you, and I'm sorry I've been so distant, its just I don't know what I would do if I lost you, and I am afraid I can't protect you."

When he said that I completely understood him. I was so thrilled that I still had someone who was special to me.

But because my body was aching from not moving much cause the place is kind of tiny, Chanyeol carried me to the bathtub. He took my clothes of and bathed me.

It was so nice of him to do that, I felt so warm inside. After he bathed me he dried me off and gave me my clothes to put on. Then he carried me to bed.

At first I thought he was gonna sleep on the small couch, but instead he got into bed with me.

Because its so cold down here I snuggled up to him and he wrapped his arms around me. Then kissed my forehead telling me Goodnight.

But then right when got to sleep the driver came barging in yelling.. But what was he yelling about..


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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