Chapter 8: Should i tell him?

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I woke up and cleaned up, ate some waffles and got my clothes on.

I really wanted to call Chanyeol and tell him I might be leaving soon, or well I don't know if I'm leaving.

Because I heard that there were gonna be some problems getting back to America because the Korean airports dont want to let us leave. Odd.

Which is weird because I have to leave soon and I don't want to be at stuck here. I mean I love Chanyeol but I need to see my family in America. Well I had some family in Korea and Some in America.

I then decided to call Chanyeol and tell him I was gonna be leaving in 2 days. He was very disappointed and hung up on me.

Which I found very insulting so I just laid in my bed broken hearted.

Then all of a sudden Rosa bust through my bedroom doors yelling that we have to leave now before we die.




DIE??? O.O

What is she talking about?

I'm very scared now because die I mean seriously what the hell is going on.

So I called up Chanyeol to tell him the news even though he was mad at me.

He answered the phone very awkwardly. He sounded like he was hiding something and the scary thing was...

He was whispering like he didn't want me to be heard..

I'm so confused right now. O.o


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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