Chapter 42: Blame..

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As we laid there on the bed thoughts of where to go kept running through my head. Not knowing if we should stay or leave. I want to do what's best for us and our lives but I don't know what's right anymore. Nothing seems like I ts safe and nothing seems to be going right other than the fact that we are barely hanging on. I feel like right now I hanging if a cliff about to fall into the deep and unknown sea if death. I'm clueless to what to do and feel like I only have Chanyeol. Because well he is all I have. And now he's injured and will be for a long time and I'm just here feeling like a sitting duck.

As these thoughts and feelings ran through my head I knew we had to make a decision that would affect us both. So I looked up at Chabyeol who was half asleep of course. I said "Chanyeol where are we gonna go? Do you want to stay here or leave and never look back"

Him "I don't know what to do, I mean can't we just stay here while I heal, I mean come on stop worrying all the time you always are worrying yourself to death and I'm sick of it"

Me" and I'm sick of the fact that your always so hypocritical and judge me about everything I do!

Him(he started raising his voice)

"Well let's be honest if it wasn't for you coming to Korea and meeting me I wouldn't be in this situation now"

Me "oh so that's how its gonna be well fuck you! I can't believe after all of the problems and pain we've both been through you're actually going to blame me for this, that right there shows just how selfish and immature you really are, I am so done with you.and don't ever raise your voice at me again!"

Then as I was walking he pulled me to him and slapped me!

I then ran off to the bathroom crying because I can't believe of what he just did! He actually hit me! After this I've realized he's not the person he is on screen he's just a selfish and abusive asshole who only cares about himself.

I literally sat in the hot shower water crying for hours! Then I heard a knock on the door it was the driver guy.

I told him to leave me alone! Him "what happened please tell me"

I then got out of the shower, wrapped myself in a towl with tears strolling down my face and opened the door showing him a big bruised hand print on my face. And said "he balmed me for everything and hit me'

He then looked shocked yet mad! And started walking towards Chanyeols room.

I then slammed the door and got dressed wearing a black and red hoodie to cover my face and some jeans and sneakers.

As I was walking down the hall I could hear the driver guy yelling at Chanyeol. I had to know what was being said so I got up closer to the door and heard the driver say "I can't believe after everything she's done and everything she's been through you would actually have enough nerves to blame and then to boot put you hands on her, why are you so disrespectful?"

Him "I don't know I'm just mad and feel like she's always worrying about things she needs to let go"

Driver "well if I'd of been through what she has I would worry just the same, probably more, this girl your so rude and abusive too risked her life many of times, took care of you, traveled long ways to get to you and this how you repay her, you'll be lucky if she eve speaks to you again! I can't believe you"


I heard the door slam and the guy leave the room. So I just got to my other room of which was far away from Chanyeol's and laid in my bed wondering what I should do now.


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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