Chapter 10: Bayer of Bad News..

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I went and covered my face and body up so no one would see I was American.

I wore jeans, sneakers, t-shirt, hoodie, mask and Sun glasses.

I wore those thing because I'm very easily noticed especially because I'm American.

Chanyeol had gotten a driver to pick me up and drive me to him. I finally got there after 30 minutes.

It was scary cause everybody was looking at me, so I slipped through the back and Chanyeol was waiting on me.

As soon as he saw he ran up and hugged me so tight!

I couldn't help but hold onto him too because I was scared knowing if someone was to see me I would be put in prison or killed.

Once the hug ended he rushed me to his room of which he shared with Baekhyun, and Kai. They both smiled at me when I came in but looked at Chanyeol weird.

They pulled him to the side to speak to him, of course I was curious what they were saying. So I listened.

Kai said " why would you bring her here?"

Baekhyun said " you do know they'd kill you for protecting her"

Kai " I'm gonna call and tell them to come get her"

Chanyeol " noooooo, don't you dare! She's my girlfriend how could you say that?"

Baekhyun " it needs to happen"

Chanyeol " you guys are such assholes, I can't believe you, I'm taking her away from here and am going to hid her, you guys better back off"

"She never did anything to you, why you gotta be so rude"

Chanyeol quickly come in the main room and grabbed me and jerked me (which hurt me) and pulled me to the car where the driver who brought me here was.

As soon as we got in the car I started crying not only because of the situation but because he bruised my wrist.

I rubbed my wrist and he realized I was rubbing it and told me he was so sorry and kissed my wrist.

Which made it feel better.

Driver " where do you Want to go?"

Chanyeol " anywhere but here, somewhere safe to protect her!"

Driver " I know somewhere, if you'd trust me.."

Trust, seriously! Why would I trust a Korean I don't even know with my life..

So scared..


I will now start updating a chapter or 2 a day! Please comment and let me know what you think. If you want give me some ideas of what I should have happen next let me know. Thanks babes! (:

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