Chapter 23: Now i got to get down to business!

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Okay so we are now on day 2 of the 3 left to live.

I knew in myself I have to do it today or else.. I'm a gonner.

Now I gotta get down to business.

Okay so we got to our working areas and everyone was working. The guards left for lunch which meant I gotta go.

I quickly got to the escape vent and climbed in.

I crawled quietly to the end and got out.

Now I noticed that we aren't far from the hidout area so I will have to run there.

So I first ran to the big bush which was in the middle of the field.

Thank god no one noticed!

Then I ran and hid under a truck of which had no one in it.

After that I ran to the tree and hid behind it, I could barely breathe cause my heart was racing and I was sweating prefusliy!

I then saw the road that had led to the old house I hid at.

Problem is that Chanyeol and The driver might not be there anymore.

I don't care though cause I have to get out of this hell hole!

I then walked and creeped along the bushes at the side of the road.

Then I heard something..

A car. With two guys walking behind it.

Oh no!

So I quickly layed in the bushes hoping I wouldn't get caught!

I heard them speaking in Korean! So I had no idea what they were saying.

Then all of a sudden the car stopped.

Omg!!! I'm sweating!!!

I can't believe this, after all this work I might get caught! I'm crying!

I can't get caught because if I do they will kill me where I stand.

I don't know what to do because I hear them walking towards me.

I held my mouth hoping that a miricle will happen because if they come close enough they will see me.

I can't believe this..


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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