Chapter 11: Secret Place

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Even though I was scared and didn't trust this driver. Chanyeol and I both decided to go to the Secret place.

We were driving for literally over 2 hours and then we pull up to this weird looking place.

The place looked like no one had loved in it for a long time. It was an old white house weird thing was that it was surrounded by other houses.

Which didn't make any since to why because it wasn't very secretive! I always thought hiding out should be a secluded area but it wasn't.

Chanyeol then carried me in his arms bridal style to the house.

The driver who's name is Derek Park told me that there was a hidden bunker in the yard that is not able to found.

So Chanyeol took me down there and stayed with me holding me.

He said " I won't let nothing hAppen to you, I promise. You are my world and I'm so sorry this I happening to you but while we are here I am going to care for you my love."

I loved when he said that because I was starting to feel like I was alone in this situation.

The Secret Place is very dark and cold. Candels have to lite and the place is actually pretty big. There's a small bathroom, bed, and couch. No Tv or electronics but I'm okay with that.

After all this running I was hungry so I asked for something to eat.

Chanyeol made me some shrimp romen noodles which of course tasted delicious!

Lets hope my stay here will be better than I hope.


Hope you guys like it! Please commemt and vote on my story! Love you guys ❤ Gamsahaminda!

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