Jokes For Days

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           For dinner, we all sat on the couch and ate with our bowls in our laps. Jack and I kept making eye contact but we didn't say anything. I figure I will tell Kendall later.

After dinner, I go up to my room to get something, but Jack follows me into my room.

"What is it, Harris?" I ask casually as I search for a hair tie.

"Can you not tell Kendall anything yet?" he asks.

I keep digging through my drawers looking for my ring of hair ties, not really listening to what he said.

"Um, why not?" I say with a nervous laugh in there.

Jack answers, "My sister and you think I am a player and I want to show her that I am not before she finds out I kissed her best friend."

"She doesn't think your a player, Harris." I say with a smile, continuing to look a hair tie, which might be impossible to find.

I start walking to my bathroom, but he grabs my shoulders and turns me around. Then he holds me still so I have to look at him, "Wendorf, can you please just give me time?" he asks, looking in my eyes.

I think for a moment, then ask, "How much?"

Jack laughs a little, "I don't know, some time would be nice."

I sigh, "Jack, she's my best friend."

He says quickly, "And she's my sister, I know. But it's me that she will be mad at. Please," he begs as he holds my hands.

I sigh, "Yeah, sure."

Then I walk into my bathroom and find one sitting right on the counter.

He watches me as I walk out and turn off the light in my room.

We all hang out in the living room for a while. Kendall seems to already miss Leo.

I wake up the next morning to someone banging on my door. I run my eyes then I say with a morning voice, "What?"

Prescott comes in looking pretty mad. I sit up immediately.

"You finally decided to come home?" he asks, anger in his voice.

"Prescott, I'm sorry I didn't text you back but what are you really mad about?" I say a little scared.

"That my sister is a partier who doesn't care about anyone but herself," he says.

"Prescott, what is wrong with you?!" I yell.

I see Jack standing outside the door trying to assess the situation. I sigh because I really don't want him seeing this, but Prescott turns around.

"He's the new guy you've been hooking up with?!" Prescott yells.

I run my hand over my face.

Jack says in a stern voice, "Get out Prescott."

Prescott walks closer to him, "It's my house," then hits Jack's shoulder as he walks by.

Jack walks in and says, "What the hell was that about?"

I sigh, "He says he's mad about me not telling him about the beach house, but it's gotta be something more. He's never been like this."

Jack sighs too and asks, "Are you okay?"

I stand up and say, "I'm fine, Jack, just because we kissed doesn't mean you need to go all psycho on anyone who is mean to me." with hints of anger in my voice, anger towards Prescott.

As I walk to my bathroom, Jack says, "I was like this before anything happened," then walks out of my room.

I don't even know if he was like this before because I never even paid attention. Nothing even needs to change so what's the big deal anyway?

I ate breakfast with Kendall and Jack on the couch and we watched tv for an hour or so. Then I went to my room because I couldn't go hang out with my brother or my best friend because I don't want to lie to her.

I scrolled through my phone until lunch time. We ordered Chinese food and ate it outside by the pool.

The rest of the day was boring, I just hung out with myself in my room. I saw on Instagram how everyone went to a party since it was Saturday, but I don't even care.

We go to Church early in the morning and come back home after that. It was super awkward with Prescott but I didn't sit next to him.

I read by the pool alone for a while until Jack and Kendall found out. They came out and started playing music and being loud. Those twins are so loud.

We played in the pool for a while. My skin is really tan right now because of all the swimming I have been doing.

It was fun actually, just like normal. I knew this kiss wouldn't change anything.

During all of the fun, I actually texted my mom asking if I could stay at the beach house for a week so I could get out of the house. I guess I was just feeling in the moment. She will definitely not say yes.

We play until lunch time. Then we eat our leftovers outside at the tables.

"I really want to go back to the beach." I say while eating my rice.

"Me too, but your mom probably wouldn't let you, right?" Kendall says.

I nod, "Yeah, probably not. But I texted her anyway, so I guess we'll see." She nods and continues eating as well.

In the later afternoon my mom actually responded, but she said, 'Ask me that in a week.' which is actually not a bad answer. I guess she needs to cool off or something.

I tell Kendall and she seems pleasantly surprised as well.

Then I get a text from Mark asking if I wanted to go to a party tomorrow. I kinda laugh to myself because there is no way I am going.

Later at night, I am sitting in bed on my phone when someone knocks so I tell them to come in.

It's Jack.

"You get the text about the party?" He asks causally as he sits down next to me.

I nod with a scoff, "Yeah, I am definitely not going."

Jack laughs, "Thought so."

"Can I tell her yet?" I ask impatiently.

Jack smiles at me, "It's been a day, Wendorf. I still can't convince you that I'm not a player."

"But it's not a big deal. She wouldn't care if she knew that it didn't really mean anything." I say casually.

Jack let's go of my hand. "Doesn't mean anything? What do you mean?"

I explain, "We both get bored pretty quickly right, so it probably isn't a big deal anyway."

We wraps his arm around my head and says, "But I love you," with a sad face, then I just stare at for a couple seconds. After three seconds he starts smirking. I push his face away with my hand, "You are so dumb," I say trying not to laugh.

"But I got you good," he says laughing.

I scoff so I don't laugh, "I knew it was crap."

"Yeah right, you were like, 'Does he really love me?'" Jack says through laughs.

"You do like me, so why would I be wondering that? You think I'm pretty." I say jokingly.

Jack laughs, "You're gorgeous, but you already knew that."

I smile and lean back on his arm.

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