Disney World

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I wake up by the light coming in through the window. Kendall is already up, just on her phone. She looks over and says, "Oh good, you're up. Do you think the guys are up?"

I shrug. I honestly don't know. She shrugs too, "Guess they will be in a minute." She gets out of bed and stares at me until I do the same. Then she takes the key and walks out the door, expecting me to do the same. She knocks on the door until Jack comes to get it. He clearly just woke up, but I guess he is awake now, so she was right.

He lets us in and Kendall wakes up Leo too. Jack eyes me as we walk in. Don't know what that is about. I guess he and Leo didn't work it out last night.

Kendall goes over the day and finishes it with, "Okay, so everyone get ready because we need to leave soon." Then Kendall and I walk back to our room to change. I put on a cute skirt and top, casual and cute.

Kendall knocks on the boys door again. Leo gets it this time and Kendall walks straight in. I follow her as she says, "You guys better be ready since even we are."

Jack is currently walking around without a shirt on with his abs and muscle exposed. Kendall scoffs, "Put on a shirt Jack. No one cares."

I hear Leo scoff quietly. Seriously Leo. Jack is smiling cockily though. He takes his time putting on a shirt. I try not to give him the satisfaction of my attention, but I think I lost that battle.

"We're ready to go," he says looking at Kendall. Kendall nods and starts walking out of the door. We walk pretty far down the hall before I realize that I left my sunglasses in our room. "I left my sunglasses. I'll be right back," I say walking back down the hall.

A few seconds later, Jack joins me. As I unlock the door, I say quietly, "Why didn't I know about those abs?" I quickly walk into the room and he follows closely. He smiles and kisses me, pushing me against the door. "You never asked," he mutters with a smirk.

A few seconds later, he says, "Wait, I came to tell you that we need to handle this Leo situation."

I stare at him, "What are you talking about?"

He sighs, "Come on Wendorf, you saw him last night. He isn't afraid to tell her, so we have to do it first."

I sigh too, "Why does he care so much?" I ask.

Jack pulls me closer, "He's liked you for a while. I guess it's just weird for him to see you with me."

I roll my eyes, "This is stupid. He is literally with Kendall, he shouldn't care about me."

Jack nods, "I know, it is. But we need to tell Kendall anyway."

I sigh and say, "Yeah, you're right."

Then he kisses me again. Ugh, I wish we could just stay here forever. I don't want to have to deal with Leo too.

I wait probably too long before I pull away. "I actually left my sunglasses," I say, walking to the counter to get them.

Jack whines, "I just want to make the most of the time that we get to do this."

I stare at him and say, "Yeah, at least when we tell her, we won't have to hide anymore."

He nods. I walk back over to the door, where he kisses me again. I pull away and say, "We have to go Jack." He frowns and kisses me once more before opening the door. Geez, this boy.

We walk down the hall then get into the elevator. He takes advantage of this time but is careful about stopping before the door opens. It's a good thing he did because Leo and Kendall are waiting right outside.

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