After the Fact

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I can't seem to fall asleep after that incident. I've been laying here for thirty minutes. 

Jack walks in quietly and whispers, "You still up, Wendorf?"

I whisper back, "No, you can leave now."

Jack chuckles then goes back to the couch. Ugh.

I fall asleep shortly after that though.

I wake up with a blaring headache and pain everywhere. I feel like crap. Every crevice of my brain is hitting against my skull. 

I walk out with my hands covering my eyes so I don't have to see the sun. The sunlight still hits my face enough to make it hurt worse. 

When I take my hands away for a second to make sure I don't hit any furniture, I see Jack sleeping there on the couch. He must've fallen asleep here for some reason. I can't remember like anything that happened last night past me and Jack talking outside Kylie's kitchen door. I'm surprised to still see him here though.

I debate whether I should wake him up and decide that I probably shouldn't. I go over to the pantry to get us both some water.

I brought Advil in my bag this time, which is really saving my life now.

I go back to my room to fish them out but when I get back, Jack is waking up.

"Why'd you sleep on the couch? There are like five beds in this place?" I say to him.

He turns to face me, covering his eyes too, "You really don't remember what happened last night, do you?"

I shrug, "Anything interesting happen?"

He tries to read my face then says, "Can I get some water?"

I give him one of the bottles and some Advil. He takes them then, I assume, texts Kendall that he stayed here last night.

"So why were you here last night?" I ask.

He sighs, "I guess I fell asleep when I was waiting for you to."

I nod. I wonder why he was waiting for me to fall asleep. 

Then he says, "You actually told me why you didn't like being alone in the house." Oh. 

I smile a little, "Leave it to you to wait until I'm drunk to get the answer out of me."

He says jokingly, "You told me all on your own though."

I roll my eyes then grab the blanket that was under the coffee table.

"I don't see any texts from my mom yet. I might be in the clear." I say looking at my phone.

Jack nods and says, "Let's hope so."

Then I hear a knock at my door. I walk over and see Kendall standing at the door. As I open the door, I say, "Hey Kendall, do you feel as bad as I do?"

She nods slowly as she walks in. She walks with me to the couches and sits next to me. 

Jack says, "I have been hanging out with way too many girls."

I smirk and say, "That's pretty normal for you Harris."

Kendall rolls her eyes, "That's my brother MC."

I laugh at her comment.

We sit in there for a while until our hunger gets the best of us. Jack offers to pick up some Chick-fil-a, but I say, "Can you go get groceries instead? I kinda want to stay a little while."

Jack narrows his eyes, "You sure?"

I nod, "My mom hasn't said anything so far."

Jack looks to Kendall. "She usually gets what she wants," Kendall says to him.

As Jack walks out, he yells, "Text me what you guys want me to buy."

I leave that to Kendall but she makes sure to ask me what brands I like.

I sit on the deck while I wait for Jack to get back. Kendall joins me once she is done texting him.

The morning breeze feels so good and refreshing. This could cure my headache all on its own.

Jack gets back thirty minutes later with a lot of bags. While we are putting stuff in the fridge, Kendall says, "Were all of the soccer moms just in love with you because you were in my Range Rover?"

Jack smiles, "Yeah, it is was really embarrassing."

Kendall and I laugh. 

Kendall makes us smoothie bowls, and we eat them on the chairs on the deck.

"I wish I could live here," I say thinking out loud.

Kendall nods, "Me too, it would be so much fun."

Jack nods too.

After we eat, I shower and Kendall and Jack go back to their house to shower too. I feel super clean afterward and change into a bikini and a skirt and top on top.

I walk over to their house because I assume I finished first. Jack walked over to open the door in swim shorts, wet hair, and no shirt.

I walk in and make myself comfortable on the couch.

"Kendall is taking forever." He says as he sits down next to me.

I smile, "She likes to take her time."

She comes out a little while later and we all walk down to the beach. We swim for two and a half hours. Kendall and I tan while Jack hangs out with his friends.

It is really relaxing just sitting there hearing the waves break. Kendall and I start talking at some point.

"Last night was pretty wild," Kendall recalls.

"Yeah, I guess it was."

"Why'd you drink so much MC?" she asks, definitely suspecting the real reason.

"Kendall, I lied to you, I'm sorry. My mom told me no to the party, but I didn't want to put any guilt on you because I still wanted to go."

"You could have told me, MC. But I probably would have talked you out of it. Do you want to go back to boarding school or something?" she says her words softly but they still cut like knifes.

"I don't at all. I don't know why I keep doing stupid stuff, I really don't. Yesterday, I was just really angry with my mom." I say honestly.

She nods and says, "After we get back, we will both not go anywhere until your mom says we can."

"You seriously don't have to do that Kendall."

"You're my best friend. Where would I even want to go without you?" she says with a smile.

"I love you, Kendall." I say.

"You too," she says back.

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