Convenience or Inconvenience

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                The next morning, I come downstairs to find that Jack never came home last night. Maybe he went to a friend's house. Kendall makes me a smoothie for breakfast and we have a girl's day since Prescott went to hang out with his friends too.

We spend our day in and out of the pool. We drank at least four smoothies that afternoon and definitely tanned even more, although, we were both already pretty dark from the other beach days. My freckles have darkened a lot too.

It is so much fun and exactly how every summer day should be. We even painted on the concrete in the backyard using chalk.

When it got darker, we showered and then watched a scary movie on the couch, The Visit. It's one of those good scary movies because it is super funny too.

Before the movie, I texted Jack, 'Where are you?' but never got a response that night.

The next morning, we woke up on the couch. She turns off the tv and gets up to stretch. I do the same and check my phone too. Still nothing from Jack. Seriously, this is so weird.

I ask Kendall about it as she makes us some toast. She says he never responded to her text either.

We hang out at the house for a while. At around ten, I hear the door open so I walk to the edge of the stairway to see who is it. Jack. What do ya know.

As he walks up the stairs, I ask rhetorically, "Did your phone die?" Rhetorically, only because I didn't expect an answer.

Jack scoffs and walks past me toward his room. He leaves the door open though, so I step into the doorway.

"What is up with you?" I ask watching him stick clothes into a bag.

"I don't know what your talking about?" He mumbles.

"Cut the crap Harris. What's wrong?" I say seriously.

Jack stares at me then continues packing, "I don't want to be home right now, is that a problem with you?"

"Yeah kind of. You just completely went bi-polar." I say sounding a little worried.

"Are you lying about what happened two nights ago so that you don't have to face any consequences?" He asks loudly and pretty angry.

"What are you talking about? Wha- you mean the night you walked me home?" I ask very confused.

"Yeah, I mean that night. It seems pretty convenient that every time you do or say something dumb while you are drunk, you forget all of it but remember everything else." He says trying to hold back anger.

"Are you seriously mad that I can't remember something that I barely knew was happening in the moment it happened? No, Jack, I don't know what you're talking about! You are such a jerk!" I shout while walking away to my room.

A few minutes later, I hear the front door open and close. I guess he is going 'out' again.

I don't understand. What am I missing? What could have possibly happened while we were walking home? There is a huge hole where that memory should be. It's all a blur that I cannot piece together.

I go into my room and hang out for a little while. Then at 12, I went downstairs to eat lunch with Kendall. She made pasta and we ate it outside on the couches, so that we could watch tv too. We should really use these couches outside more often.

The rest of the day we did some fun activities, like making strawberry lemonade and painting things. We mostly got paint all over ourselves.

It has been really fun hanging out with Kendall. It makes me feel so bad knowing that I missed all of this because of my dumb mistakes of last year.

Dinner we also ate outside on the couches, it was just leftovers. Prescott texted saying that he wouldn't be home for a while because he wants to keep hanging out with his friends. Still no texts from Jack, not that I was expecting any, since he left on a bad note.

I woke up the next morning feeling really dehydrated. I think it is the sunburn/tan that is absorbing all of the water in my body. I filled up my water bottle and drank it outside on one of the couches, just listening to the birds chirping.

I was out there for maybe an hour before Kendall realized that I was out there.

"Oh my gosh, MC, I thought you left or something. I was looking all over for you." Kendall says as she sits down next to me on the couch.

"I'm sorry Kendall, I just wanted to be out of here for a little while. I should've texted."

"No, it's fine. I just got so worried. I don't know what's going on with Jack, but he won't even text me back." she says with worry.

I nod, "I know, I don't know what happened, but I think it has something to do with that night he walked me home. I can't remember anything, but I really wish I could."

She nods, "Maybe it'll come back to you. I just don't know what possibly could have happened that would make him be like this."

"Me either."

Then we go inside to make some breakfast. We spend the morning swimming in the pool and tanning.

For lunch, she made paninis and we ate them by the pool as well.

The rest of Friday was spent at the pool swimming, which was really fun.

Saturday was really similar to yesterday too, since we couldn't really leave the house or anything.

On Sunday morning, Prescott came home but still no Jack.

He never responded so we left without him. This is when it really hit me that things might not be the same again. It was right as things were kinda going good too, and I have no idea what I did to make him so mad.

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