We're Kids Again

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             I wake up alone in the room. Jack must have left after I fell asleep. My head is pounding and the light is not helping at all.

I walk into the bright open living room, feeling a lot worse with the lights all up in my face. I open the fridge, hoping for water but it is completely empty. I have to scour the kitchen just to find the water that is in the panty. I grab a bottle and chug it halfway. 

I run my hand through my sandy hair, as I scroll through Instagram. Things look different from how they looked last night. It looks more glamorous on social media.

I hop into the shower and wash my hair and body. Then I change into another swim suit with another pair of jean shorts and top. 

I take another bottle of water from the pantry since I finished the first. Then I try to say something out loud, but my voice is raspy and barely audible. Not to mention the pain I feel in my vocal chords.

Screaming contests are not the smartest idea. Noted.

I walk over to Jack and Kendall's house next door. I hear the chime of the doorbell as I ring it. I look through the window, hoping to see any sign of life. I see Jack walking over. I release a breath that I guess I was holding.

"Sleep well?" he asks with a huge smirk.

"Shut up," my voice is just as raspy as before. I probably shouldn't have said anything, but I needed to say something to show my disgust in his good mood. I hit his shoulder while coming in.

"You have the voice of angel," he says with that same smirk.

I roll my eyes as I sit down. "I don't understand. How are you not hungover?" I ask, dumbfounded as I see him hop on the couch with a smile and face not masked by bad decisions.

"A magician never reveals his trick," he grins. 

Kendall walks out slowly with her hands covering her eyes, I assume from the sun.

"At least someone looks just as bad as me," I mutter, eyeing Jack, who has moved his grin of disapproval to his sister.

Kendall slouches next to me on the couch. She groans as she stares at her phone. 

"Who said it was a bad idea to come?" Jack asks rhetorically, as if he hasn't already rubbed it in our faces enough.

I answer anyway, "This is partly your fault Jack. You literally told me to drink last night."

Jack quickly replies, "I don't know what your talking about." I can't tell if he is being honest or not. 

"Yeah that's because you were drinking last night, but you did. I believe your exact words were, 'next time I see you, you better not be sober,'"

"Okay, yeah, I'm sorry. That was Drunk Jack." He still has a smile on his face, despite his maybe genuine apology. He's making this too casual. 

"Well, can Drunk Jack cure my headache?" I raise my eyebrow. 

Jack and I make eye contact for a moment before he gets up from the couch. His eyes were so light in this sunny lighting. 

"I can get us some breakfast," he announces, as he pulls out his phone. I'm only now realizing that he actually looks capable of leaving the house. I would never leave the house looking the way I do.

"That's the least you could do," I mutter. 

"So what is wendorf-approved at Chick-fil-a for breakfast?" he asks. His tone is indicating that he is making fun of me, but I am going to ignore that.

"Hash browns! Please! And chick-n-minis." I shout, only to immediately regret. My throat is burning.

Kendall mumbles, "Chick-n-minis."

Jack nods and says, "I'll be back," as he puts on a shirt and shoes and walks out of the house. I notice him shake his hair with his hand as he walks out. Guys really have it so easy. 

A few minutes later, Leo walks out of one of the bedrooms looking rough too. I didn't even know he was here but it makes sense.

"Is he back yet?" Leo asks.

I shake my head, eyeing the door again. I check like every other minute. Kendall has already fallen asleep on the couch.

Ten minutes later, Jack comes back with a big bag. He puts everything onto the counter while everyone watches him with anticipation, me included.

I grab my hash browns box and a few chick-n-minis and sit back down. There is no tv in here so we have to entertain ourselves.

Once everyone is settled, Jack says, "That was an interesting night."

"Interesting is one word to describe it. Mistake is another." I mutter, keeping my head down.

This conversation continues but I kind of zone out. Jack hands us waters from glasses and some pills while saying, "We're hitting the beach later so get better now." 

I laugh at his lack of sympathy, "We're not all magic like you." Jack's mouth curls into a smirk. 

Later, we all walk to Mark's house, feeling much more refreshed. The relaxing and water is the best thing for this situation apparently.

"Are you guys gonna be at the beach all day?" Mark asks as he rubs his eyes. I've never seen him with eyes this puffy.

"Pretty much," Jack replies.

"Is everyone just staying in their houses today?" I ask. My voice barely made any noise as I spoke.

Mark nods but quickly asks, "Are you okay? Last night, you were-," he trails off.

I finish his sentence for him, "Wrecked, I know. I'm fine. Sorry if I was annoying."

Mark shook his head, "No, you weren't annoying. Entertaining for sure." He added with a smile.

Then we all walked down to the shore and took off our second layers. We all ran into the ocean and started swimming. The water is freezing when we first get in, which makes my head pound, but eventually I get used to it.

A few people join us later but for the most part it was just us. After we played in the water like children, Kendall and I sat on chairs and tanned. Really, we were just exhausted. I have no energy left.

Jack splashes me after fifteen minutes, getting my drenched. I pull myself up quickly and scream, "Jack! What the heck?!" I have to squint my eyes to see him, but my glare is still apparent. 

Jack laughs as he watches me stand up and wrap myself in my towel. I shiver as I rub some of the water. 

"Not funny Harris," I mumble.

We eat lunch on the beach. Then around 1, Leo says, "We should probably head home, right?"

I look around at the beach as I nod. It is so beautiful, I never want to leave. But I also know that my parents would not approve of me being here, so I can't stay here forever. 

We pack our stuff and put it in Leo's car, which Jack took earlier to Chick-fil-a and was able to park it in a better spot.

Then we drive home, still a little damp from the beach water. Going home is always quicker.

When we get to our house, I notice a car parked outside that is not ours.

We get all of our stuff and walk to the door. My mom opens it!

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