Welcome To My House

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I wake up exactly like I did yesterday, except Mark's bruises don't surprise me as much. He looks so cute while he is sleeping. I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen. It's Friday; just like two more days to get through.

I drink half of a water bottle and go on my phone. A few minutes later, I feel someone wrap their arms around my neck and kiss my cheek. I smile as I turn around and see Mark.

"Morning," I say as he walks around the counter. He grabs a water and chugs it.

He smiles as he swallows, "It's Friday," he says. I nod, "Yeah?"

He continues, "Just two more days of this." I nod.

"This isn't going away the second we get back, right?" He asks. He's still smiling but he seems serious too.

"No, of course not. This isn't going anywhere," I say with a smile. He smiles and walks over and kisses me.

"So, who's house is tonight?" I ask.

He laughs a little, "We haven't figured that out yet."

I smile, "Great."

We get breakfast together. I texted Kendall to make sure she was okay. Her and Leo also went to get breakfast, so she's good. I'm not sure about Jack, but I don't think she is either. He didn't come home last night apparently.

After breakfast, Mark and I meet with his friends at his house for a little while. "No one's volunteered their house yet."

Mark sighs, "The cleaning crew just came. We can do it here though, it's fine."

"Wait Mark, I can ask my parents," I say as I walk out of the room with my phone. I walk into the kitchen and stare at a counter for a few seconds.

Mark walks in and says, "You don't have to do this."

I shake my head, "No, it's fine, I'm just debating whether I should actually tell my parents or not. It would be worse if she found out and I hadn't told her."

Mark raises his eyebrows, "If you host, your parents should probably know."

"But my mom will say no," I frown.

Mark says, "You don't know if you don't try," then he kisses my cheek and walks back to the couches.

I sigh and dial my mom's number. I can't explain the whole situation, but I can try. She answers. I take a deep breath and say, "Hey mom, how are you doing?"

"I'm okay, honey, how are you?"

"I'm good mom. So listen, you know that we are at the lake houses, me and Kendall, but a few people just came here to their own houses and people are asking me if they can come over. It feels wrong to have them over without your permission."

My mom takes a breath, "I'm really happy that you asked. Yes, I guess you can have some people over, but please have it cleaned before you leave."

"I will, thank you so much!"

"Yup, love you," she says.

"Love you mom," then we hang up.

I walk back to the living room and say, "We can do it at my place!" Mark stands up and hugs me. "Thanks MC," he whispers.

We get my house ready after that. We do the same stuff that we did for Kendall's. I was not expecting to have to do this when I came, but at least my mom knows.

Mark and I just snack on the food that we bought for the party for lunch. Dead week was pretty successful, since I'm pretty dead, which is interesting since I haven't even gone hard.

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