Dangerous Tasks

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We continue playing around at the beach until lunch. For lunch, we put towels down on the car seats and drive to a fast food place in Kendall's car. We didn't bother putting on any extra layers since we went through the drive through.

Then we went back to Kendall and Jack's house to eat. There's no tv in their house either so we blared music from our phones, but talked over it anyway.

Then we went back to the beach afterward to keep swimming. We had a contest to see who could swim the furthest. It was really draining on my arm muscles but I made it farther than I expected. Not going to lie, I got super scared the farther I went because the water got darker and I don't know what was down there with me. Not mention, how hard it was to keep myself afloat. I had to swim back because it got too hard to keep myself up. Jack won that challenge. For a while, Leo and Jack were head to head, but even Leo had to call it quits eventually. Jack terrified me because of how far he went out. Sharks still exist, right? Why wasn't he scared at all?

Now, we are at our houses cleaning ourselves up for the party. None of us bother to shower fully since we are going to get gross at the party anyway. I rinse my hair to get the sand and seaweed out of it, and I rinsed off sandy parts of my body, but I didn't fully shower. I pick out another bikini, top, and skirt.

We all walk over to Jennifer's house with our gifts. She greets us as we get there and hugs each of us. "So happy you guys could come," she says then walks over to other people who were arriving.

We all walk over and say hi to some other people. A lot of people are here. "Hey Mark!" I say, walking over and hugging him. Jack follows me, and they nod to each other. Jack puts his arm around my shoulder and says, "Tomorrow's at your house, right?"

Mark eyes his arm then says, "Yeah, you guys better be there." Jack nods, "We will." Then he leads me over to some other people.

We swim until the sun goes down. The sunset is beautiful. Everyone is taking pictures on the beach while the sunset is in the background, so I decide to join a few. Once I get in a few people's though, it seems like every one is calling my name to join theirs.

Eventually, I stop smiling and start making funny faces. Jack makes eye contact with me and walks over. He immediately kisses me, and I hear everyone say, 'aww.' I smile and kiss him back.

When I pull away, a bunch of people are staring and some of them are taking pictures of us. I yell, "Can I have those pics?"

The girl says, "Yeah, I'll text you them." 

Some of Jack's friends do some weird handshakes with him, but I get distracted from watching whatever that is because a bunch of the girls are asking, "Are you two dating now?"

I nod to the whole group, not really knowing which of them asked. "Yep, we're dating." They say things like, "Aww, that's cute," or "Cutest couple." They literally sound like comments on my Instagram.

Kendall saves me from everyone by dragging me away. "Dude, you're going to be on everyone's Instagrams tonight," she says jokingly. I laugh with her as we go into a cooler and get some drinks.

Kendall and I hang out for a while until the boys find us. We get up from where we were sitting on the beach because Leo and Jack pull us up. Jack says, "I have a challenge for you, but only if you are up for it."

"What is it?" I ask, already knowing that I don't want to know.

"I kinda got my phone stuck in a gutter and my arm won't fit inside."

I start laughing so loud that the people around us look over at me. "You're kidding me."

He smirks at me, "Is that a yes?"

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