New Faces

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We arrive around lunch time. We stop to get food then we go to our houses. Leo is going to stay at Kendall and Jack's house. When we get there, Jack isn't home. He's probably at the beach.

We drop our stuff off and change into swimwear. Kendall and I put tops and skirts on top though. When we walk down the beach, my mood is lifted. I love being here so much.

We walk down to where we see people hanging out. I don't recognize any. As we get further down, I start seeing some faces that I have definitely seen at these parties. Kendall and Leo stop to talk to their friends. I didn't really know the people well, so I say, "I'm gonna go find Mark."

Then I walk off in the direction of his house. I pass some people on my way. I really wish I knew who those two girls were yesterday. I didn't recognize their voices at all.

I walk into Mark's house and notice that the whole place is wrecked. I guess he hasn't called the cleaning crew yet.

I look around for him, but don't find him. I find a lot of people sleeping on couches or guest beds. I walk upstairs and check the first bedroom I see. I see Mark laying there covering his face with his arms. I smile a little and knock on the doorframe even though I am already in the room.

He quickly looks over and sighs when he sees me. Then he says, "Wait, that conversation actually happened?"

I nod with a smile. He adds, "And you actually came?"

"Yup. I needed to check up on you."

He sits up, still covering his face. I sit down next to him and ask, "So why'd you decide to drink last night?"

He sighs, "I don't know. Like I can't even remember."

I raise my eyebrows, "Yeah, that happens. It sucks."

He runs his hand through his hair and says, "I should probably shower."

I nod, "Yeah, definitely."

He smiles as I realize how I said that. "I deserve that," he says with a laugh.

I stand up and say, "I'll be down on the beach. Come out when you're done."

He nods and stands up too. "Hey, thanks for coming."

I smile, "Of course." Then I walk out.

I walk down to the beach and go to try and find Jack. I search all over and decide that he must not be on the beach or something. I would have found him by now. I sit on one of the beach chairs to rest my legs.

I go on my phone to make sure I haven't gotten any important texts. Then I stare off at the sea for a while.

Mark sits on the chair next to mine with sunglasses on. I laugh a little when I see him.

"I seriously don't know how people do this," he mumbles. I nod. I don't know either, but people still do.

We get to talking for a while. He's really good at making me laugh.

"Were you really going to call me all night if I said no?" I ask through laughs.

"Absolutely," he says as we are interrupted by some guys walking behind us. We both turn around and see his friends with Jack! While Mark's friends ask Mark whose house they need to put the drinks in, Jack and I talk.

"Wendorf? What are you doing here?" he asks.

"Hanging out, I guess. Mark forced me to come."

Jack nods with a weird expression. "So I'll see you tonight?"

I nod, "I guess so." He nods and walks away with the rest of the guys. That's a lot of drinks.

"So whose house is it at tonight?" I ask Mark.

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