Quick Announcement

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I went back to sleep with a lot of knots in my stomach. Jack also went to sleep in his own room for the first time in a while. He said he texted his friends that he was going to stay home for a few days.

When I woke up, it was later than usual, which makes sense. I walk downstairs and see Kendall there making food. I eat a bowl of cereal on the couch with her and tell her that Jack is back. She asks me a ton of questions but each one I redirect with, "You're going to have to ask him yourself." Only because I don't know how much he will want me to share right now.

When Jack does decide to come down, Kendall says, "Wow, I was starting to think you didn't actually come home and MC just made it up."

Jack laughs a little and gets some food. He gets some chips and joins us on the couch.

"Leo's coming home today, right?" Jack asks.

Kendall says, "Ohh, that's why you're here. For Leo."

Jack says, "Yup," but winks at me. Wow, real subtle.

I guess that means he doesn't want to tell her yet.

We watch tv for some time before Kendall says that she is going to get ready. We are going to Leo's house to wait for them to come home.

I go upstairs to change as well. Jack follows me but doesn't say anything.

When we get upstairs, I say, "Why can't we just tell her?"

Jack holds my hand as he says, "We will, just not yet. Let's let Leo have his day."

I sigh and walk toward my room, but he doesn't let go of my hand. He pulls me closer with it, undoing any of the distance I just walked and asks, "Where are you going?"

I answer, "To change."

Then we hear Kendall yelling, and Jack immediately let's go and faces the living room to see if Kendall is coming out of her room. She doesn't, but she does yell, "Are you wearing jean shorts or athletic shorts?"

I smirk at Jack's reaction to hearing her scream, then yell back, "Jean shorts."

Then I use Jack's fear to my advantage by walking to my room while we aren't holding hands. Jack smirks, embarrassed, then walks to his room.

I come out in jean shorts and a cute tank top. Jack must have been listening for my door or something because he came out at the same time. He walked me downstairs, where we see Kendall sitting on the couch waiting. She is in jean shorts and a top too.

I text my mom, just now realizing that I should. 'Hey mom, is it okay if I go with Kendall and Jack to Leo's house? He just got back from vacation and he wanted us to meet him at his house.'

We waited for my mom to text back and I felt bad that I didn't do it earlier because Kendall wants to leave now but she doesn't say anything.

Ten minutes later, my mom says, 'Why can't he come to our house?'

I respond immediately, 'I don't know, that's just where it ended up being planned since he is going home to unpack.'

My mom replies, 'I don't feel comfortable with this because it wouldn't be the first time you have lied to me about where you are going.'

I sigh. Then text back, 'You can ask his parents. I promise, I am just going over with Kendall and Jack to welcome him back home.'

My mom replies, 'Fine, but I'm tracking your phone.'

I gasp when I read it because I had no idea that she could somehow track my phone. Does that mean she knows about all the other times I snuck out? Shoot.

I don't think I should ask any questions yet, so I reply, "Thank you,' and end it at that.

Then we head over to Leo's house in Kendall's car. It's only a five minute drive.

In the car, I feel really uneasy thinking about whether my mom has known all along. She has a right not to trust me but it still hurts.

When we get there, we knock on the door and see just Leo. He lets us in and Leo and Kendall kiss then hug for a long time. When they are done, I ask, "Where are your parents?"

Leo answers, "They're checking on the mall. Making sure everything is going alright. Apparently there was a robbery when we were gone, so they are going to be gone for a while."

I nod as I quickly hug him, then he and Jack do a bro hug.

I look around and notice all of their luggage's still out in the living room. Also, I haven't been to his house in a while but it is still gorgeous. He has a giant house that is super modern, like ours. Lots of windows and accent pieces.

We all sit on the couch and talk. Leo tells us about his vacation and we tell him about the beach house, mostly it's just Kendall talking. Jack and I are just kinda sitting here.

At around six, his parents come home.

"Hey guys! It's so great to see you!"

We all greet them. Then I think his mom notices that I'm there and she says, "Mary Cate! I haven't seen you in so long! How have you been doing?"

I answer, "Pretty good, glad to be back."

She says, "Yeah, I'm sure. So are you staying for the whole summer then going back next year?"

"It's still being decided," I say politely.

His mom ask, "Did you like boarding school?"

"It was okay, I guess. I missed my friends a lot though."

She nods, "Well, if there's anything I can say to your mom, just let me know."

I nod, "Thank you so much Mrs Stone."

She smiles then walks to the kitchen. After a couple of minutes, his dad says, "Why don't you guys go out to eat?"

Everyone seems good with it, so we take Leo's GMC to a restaurant. I get anxious knowing that my mom could be watching and see that we are at a restaurant but I don't think I should text her telling her that because then she might think that was my plan all along. I don't want to be a hassle to my friends so I don't tell anyone.

When we get to the restaurant, Leo and Kendall sit on one side of the booth, so Jack and I get on the other side. This might be a good time to tell them.

We order and get our food pretty quickly. We are having a great time so far and all I can think about is how perfect timing it is to tell them about me and Jack.

I text Jack, 'We should tell them right now.'

Jack looks at me with a small smile. He looks like he is still deciding, so I text, 'Kendall is not the type of person who would get mad.'

He looks at me again and grabs my hand under the table. Then he interrupts Kendall and Leo by saying, "Guess what?"

They both look at him and ask, "What?"

He squeezes my hand as he says, "I'm dating MC."

They both stare at us, then Kendall says, "When did this happen?"

I answer, "Last night."

Kendall says genuinely, "Wow, that's great. My twin and my best friend, that's adorable."

It seems like she took it well. I know my best friend and I know what it looks like when she is lying.

Leo says, "That's cool. I kinda saw it coming."

I laugh, "I didn't."

Then we keep talking like normal. It was a great meal. Everything was perfect.

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