Cooking 101

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At around 6, I find myself saying goodbye to my parents. Prescott and I watch as they go through security. We got two days with them. But they'll be back later this week for my birthday. That's the best part of my birthday I think.

  Prescott and I drive him with a little bit of sadness in each of us. Prescott goes to his friend's house when we get home. Mark's parents are home tonight, so he comes over to mine. It's interesting because that would keep me at home, but he actually wants to get out of the house. He sees his parents more though; they just usually don't spend the night there.

I hear a knock and get of the couch to get the door. Kendall and I were watching tv, but I'd feel kind of bad being with my boyfriend when she just broke up with hers. When Kendall sees who it is, she stands up, "I'm getting tired. I'm going to go to bed."

I say, "Are you sure? He can leave if you want."

Kendall says, "No, I'm serious, I'm just tired." I nod and sit on the couch with Mark. He chuckles and whispers in my ear, "You would have made me spend the night with my parents?"

I say, "Yes, I would've."

Mark gently pushes a hair out of my face and kisses me. We miss most of the episode, since he pushed me onto the couch, again using his forearms to hold himself up. I keep thinking about Kendall though and how she could walk in at any moment. I don't want to make her feel bad.

As Mark moves to my neck, I stop him and say, "Don't even go near my neck." Mark laughs and moves back to my lips.

When the credit scene for that episode plays, Mark looks over and sighs. He checks his watch and says, "I have to go."

I sigh and decide not to remove my hand from his face. He kisses me once then starts getting up. I sit up and walk him out.

I go to sleep after he leaves. In the morning, Kendall makes smoothies. Prescott must have gotten home late last night because he comes out from his room too.

I spend the day with Kendall, although Mark texts me around lunch time. "Can I take you out for dinner on Thursday? I'm so sorry, I have a really important meeting with my parents."

I really don't mind. "Yeah sure. What's the meeting about?"

He responds, "College and recruiting." That's a really good reason too. Honestly, I don't even care.

Then I text Jack, despite the fight, asking if Leo is okay.

Jack does end up answering, "Yeah, he's fine."

Tuesday is also spent with Kendall. We go shopping and get some lunch in between. It's really fun. The day kind of flew by us.

On Wednesday, Mark invites me over around lunchtime. I drive over, not sure what to expect.

I knock on his front door slowly. He opens it and smiles. He lets me in and says, "Have I scared you enough yet?"

I nod, "Yes, you have. What are we doing?"

He smiles deviously and says, "We're cooking." 

My eyebrows raise as he leads me to the kitchen. He has a bunch of stuff taken out and put on the counter.

I laugh, "Mark, I'm terrible at cooking."

He says, "Then we need to work on that." I shake my head and look around. "What are we making?"

He says, "Fettuccine Alfredo."

"Wow. Fancy."

He smiles, "I know. Let's get started because I'm already hungry."

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