The Trek Home

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I got no sleep at all. I literally did not fall asleep for more than an hour. As much as I would like to blame that on the constant buzzing, I know that wasn't it. It's because I am a chicken who can't be alone in a house.

I finally suck it up and check all of the notifications on my phone. Twenty three texts from Kendall, five from Prescott, and a bunch from random people. Seriously though, like why would these random people text me saying basically the same thing, 'I'm so sorry. Let me know if there's anything I can do.'? Like my parents didn't die, I was just cheated on by my awful boyfriend.

Snapchat is worse, if that is possible. More random people asking what happened or saying they are sorry. I didn't click into any of them though, I just side-swiped to see what they said.

Instagram looked okay to me. I see some posts of people with their friends. Nothing abnormal about those, although, last night I'm sure the amount of lives that were going on was crazy. Whatever, I don't care.

All of my food is at their house and the car is there too. Shoot. I guess I can uber somewhere. I order an uber and wait on the couch. I set it to take me to the smoothie place that is next to the Chick-fil-a.

It arrives then quickly leaves with me in it. When I arrive, I thank the guy and walk into the cafe. There's a group of girls in there, they look like eighth graders though. I order then sit alone in the corner. I would love to use my phone as a getaway from this horribly embarrassing situation, but I can't because I can't bare to look at all of the posts and snaps. I do, however, let Prescott know where I am and that I'm fine.

After that dreadful breakfast, I ride in another uber back to my house. I rush into my house before anyone from the house next to mine can see where the car noise is coming from.

What am I supposed to do? Not only for the rest of today, but also, like how am I supposed to get home? This really sucks. I shouldn't have to be the one who is worrying about this, and yet I am.

As I sit down on the couch, I hear the doorbell ring. I mutter, "What?" as I turn around to see who it is. I don't have a clear view until I get off the couch and walk towards the door. It's Kendall. I walk toward the door and open it with no hesitation. She hugs me tightly as soon as the door swings open. I hug her back just as tightly.

"My brother is an idiot," she says when we let go.

"Yeah, he is," I agree as I let her in. I close and lock the door as we walk into the living room.

"I know you don't want to answer this, but how are you doing?" she asks softly, definitely trying not to anger me. She is the only person who I will answer that question honestly to.

"I'm not okay. I, wha-," I stutter, not knowing how to form a sentence with all of my questions.

"I think it'll make you feel better to know that Leo beat the crap out of him when you left."

"Are you serious? Why?" I ask, not wanting to be intrigued, but I can't help it.

Kendall nods, "Yeah, when you left Leo got really mad. Jack took every punch though. He didn't even try to fight back. It was hard to watch." She winces as she says that last part. I can't even imagine how she is feeling right now.

"I'm sorry that you got put in this situation." I say genuinely sorry.

"Don't be sorry," she starts, but I interrupt, "No, I am. This should never have happened. Has he told you anything? Like why he did it?"

Kendall shrugs, "I haven't spoken to him at all. But MC, sometimes he does dumb things. I am not giving him any excuses, but I know him better than anyone. He always does something dumb after a while."

I scoff. I should've known. No. I did know. I told him no, but he didn't accept that.

She notices my expression and changes the subject, "We should probably leave today."

I nod. Not saying anything in hopes that she has a plan for how we will all get home.

"I would love to just leave him here with no way of getting home, but my parents would kill me. Is there any way-," I cut her off knowing exactly what she is going to say, "Kendall, I can't. I can't see him right now."

She nods solemnly, "I know. I don't know what we are going to do." Me either.

Kendall talks with me to distract me from what we are both avoiding, which is getting home. Eventually Leo texts her, asking where she is. We finally have to go back to that topic: how I'm getting home. Then it hits her, "Oh my gosh! Duh, just go with Leo. Prescott can come with us."

I sigh, feeling extremely relieved. I completely forgot about Leo's car. I text Prescott right away, saying that we have to leave soon. I can tell he is upset, but he also understands. He is pretty great.

I pack all of my stuff and wait for Leo to text that he is ready. As I am ready, I look out the window and see Jack in their window. I flinch just seeing him. He's sitting on the couch with a big black eye. Wow Leo.

Finally Leo texts me saying that he is ready. I take all of my stuff to his car. He puts it all in there then we drive to Prescott's friend's house. They put all of their stuff into the trunk then pile in. Prescott doesn't even need to go with them because there is enough room in his huge car.

Then we are off. The journey back home after a terrible trip. I didn't even think of the worst part: I still have to live with Jack. This just keeps getting worse.

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