Screaming Into The Wind

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               The day passed rather quickly. Probably because I was actually having a fun time, and as they say, time flies when you're having fun. We went back to Jack and Kendall's for lunch earlier, but we headed straight back to the beach afterward. We ate on the deck that Jack and I had our big fight on actually. Not gonna lie, I was thinking about that in the back of my head the entire time. I wonder if he was too.

We are heading back inside to get ready for Mark's party. My skin is hot to the touch and as I glance at myself in the mirror, I can see that it is very red too. Hopefully, it can magically become a tan in the little time we have before the party.

I put on a skirt and a bikini top and call it a day. If I waste time finding a cute shirt to match the skirt, it won't matter since we are going to take it off anyway.

We walk over when we have all stalled enough. I text Prescott real quick before I go, making sure he is alright. He says he is doing good so I guess that's good. I'm definitely going to be conservative on the drinking tonight. I think it'll be easier for me tonight because I actually don't want to drink; I'm not doing it for someone else. Also, Jack is here, so he can help, unless he gets wasted himself.

We start out with a lot of swimming. I try to savor every moment I have here because we will be home soon again, and before I know it, summer will be over too.

We take more pictures as the sun is setting. Everyone has practically the same energy as yesterday. Like, I wouldn't know the difference between today's photos and yesterday's photos, besides the outfits of course.

As usual, the darker it got, the drunker everyone got too. So far, I haven't had anything except for soda. I find myself in a room with some people from my school before boarding school, the one that all of my friends go to. I remember these people of course, but I was never that close with them. They were one of those fake people to me.

They start bringing up me and Jack's relationship, "It's kinda funny that the two players started dating each other," says one girl.

"Right, like who's playing who?" jokes another girl.

I interrupt their jokes, "Actually, we both really like each other. I think we've both changed from our old ways."

On of those two girls says, "Oh girl, you're the one getting played."

I look at her with wide eyes, not because I believe her, but more because I can't believe she would say that to me. Her friend looks at me and says, "She's joking. It's all of the beer talking. It's good that you both have changed."

"Yeah, wish you could have figured that out earlier," says that girl who is apparently drunk.

Now, I have had enough of this girl saying whatever she wants just because she has had a few drinks, "What is that supposed to mean?" I ask, staring at her until she answers.

She laughs when she sees me glaring. "You never even realized, huh? Every single guy liked you and you didn't even realize?" she says, while laughing hysterically.

Parts of this are finally clicking, but also not really. "No they didn't, but whatever. I never took anyone's boyfriend, so why are you mad at me?"

The girl continues to laugh, her friend is staring at the floor now, staying very silent. "Just because I'm not dating someone, doesn't mean I don't like anyone. Danny, remember him?" she practically spits at me.

Yeah, I definitely remember him. He was a sweet guy. Really cute and pretty innocent too. I can't remember what happened to him, but we stopped dating after like a month or two. Oh. Did she-? "I'm really sorry, honestly. I didn't know you liked him. I would have backed off, if I had known."

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